JW or Catholic scandal worse?

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Do you think that the pedophile problem in the watchtower organization is just as important as in the catholic church?

    If we knew the statistics, and found out that there were a lot fewer pedophiles in the Watchtower org. than in other religions, would this be a victory on their part?

    Edited by - jh on 30 January 2003 20:4:14

  • DanTheMan

    Yesterday I was at work and I overheard a couple of Catholic women talking about the pedophilia problem in their church.

    One of them said to the other, "you know it's a bunch of apostate lies, don't you? We must be so close to the end, Satan is going all out to defame God's people!"

    Just kidding.

  • ThiChi

    The conduct of both are unacceptable. That being said, the JWs have set themselves up as very exclusive representatives of God, historically using the Catholic religion as a whipping post for the example of how not to behave if you believe in God. Because of their self righteous pedestal they have made for themselves, I feel they should fall a little longer and harder from grace......

    Dan: very powerful point you have made.......

    Edited by - thichi on 30 January 2003 18:57:2

  • Mary

    Both are pathetic. I don't know what the statistics are, but the Catholics probably have more pedophiles than JWs, simply because they've got a billion members, we've only got about 6 million.

    However, the actions of the WTB&TS is far worse than that of the Catholics. At least when the Catholic scandal broke, they made a half-assed attempt at an apology, and made new guidelines with a zero tolerance policy for child abuse. No one was excommunicated for going to the police or the media.

    The Witnesses on the other hand, have proven to be a total embarassment unto themselves. Not only did they not report abuse to the proper authorities themselves, but they've disfellowshipped victims of child abuse for doing so. This is unprecidented and I've never heard of this happening in any other religion. They've also disfellowshipped anyone who's come forward to say they don't agree with their "two eye witness policy".

    So between the two, I'd say that the JW scandal is worse, probably because the average Witness now has to go out knocking on doors, exposing their shame to the public and pretend that there's really nothing wrong with the organization.

  • freeman

    In the number of victims that have come forward alone suggest the JW problem (over 5 thousand victims) is much much larger then the Catholic problem (a few hundred victims).

    Now if you consider that Catholics are perhaps 1 billion people world wide (that is a guess-ti-mate) and JWs are about 6 million, the scale of the problem becomes apparent.

    Bill Bowen did not exaggerate, it truly is a pedophile-paradise!


  • shera

    I think they are just as bad as one another. The Jw's loved to bath in the Catholic abuse problems..proof they are false religion.When it is brought out in the JW's its all lies and works of satan.

    Of course can't forget,they are imperfect men...

  • nelly1

    i have to agree with taichi that the society for years has condemned the catholics for sexual abuse when they themselves have done worse by not only covering it up but punishing people who want justice and wish to go to the appropriate authorities.

    i personally feel that child sexual abuse is the worst crime imaginable and the ultimate act of wickedness.

    but to impose upon a person double punishment by not permitting them to gain justice, is a dispicable crime also.

    and the god of this universe is a god of justice, he wants such crimes to be exposed and appropriate measures to be taken for those who perform them. it says so in his word the bible.

    not only that back in the time of moses you were immediately stoned for such a crime, and if the creator thought so little of such crimes there is no way he would have imposed that sentance for such offenders.

    but for his so called representatives on earth to cover up such dispicable sins, is incredible, the absolute gaul, in fact it is like an act of defiance to god who sees all no matter where we are or what we do.

    i beleive in what goes around comes around and I beleive the snowball is rolling faster down the hill, and this organisation is in for a huge split once people who have any brain left after being brain washed wake up and realise what is going on.

    who knows what the future holds, but something has to give soon it always does....

    love to all of you


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    It's a bit like asking if I would rather cut off my left arm or my right arm.

    Both churches are reprehensible. Both have failed their believers miserably. Both have chosen to ignore monsters hurting innocents. This, to me, is unforgivable. I cannot imagine a situation where I know multiple children are being raped and turn a blind eye.

    Having said this, at least the American Catholic Church (prodded by hundreds of millions of dollars in litigation) has begun to address the problem. They've got a helluva long way to go, but they are far ahead of Jehovah's Witnesses. They have admitted there is a problem. And like any addict or alcoholic, that's the first step to recovery.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The reality is that sexual predators exist in all religions. And it is all bad

    But I suspect that the damage done to a victim in the JWs is far worse because of the silence imposed, the elder inquisitions and the forced confrontations with the abuser. Added to that is the inability to protect the child who must often continue to live with or see her abuser on a regular basis and remain quiet about it or risk losing her family, friends and support system (pathetic as it is - it is all the victim has).

    The victim and the family are left with no justice, no encouragement to go to the authorities and no professional help. They become isolated and blamed if they speak out. And then they get to be re-abused because the abuser knows he has freedom to abuse at will with no accountability.

    Yes Shame on them for caring for children in such a manner

  • detective

    Well, I really can't say the last time I saw a bunch of priests wandering door to door in my neighborhood...

    That said, pedophilia in any group is disgusting, criminal behavior. Not to be tolerated.

    But, back to my point...

    Thinking that a (church acknowledged) sexual predator may come knocking unsolicited on my door, finding out when I'm at home, or not at home...


    Edited by - detective on 30 January 2003 23:25:4

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