Anybody here ever go on chaperoned dates?

by unbeliever 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    In my area you can go on dates without someone with you if, one, you go in separate vehicles, and two go to a public place, like a restaurant, the mall, ice skating rink, bowling.

    People have to have some private time to talk without an audience.

    I wonder if people have married without having been able to really get to know each other.

    What about letters, e-mails, phone calls? Do they help?

    Based on the Elders' Book, a person is guaranteed to commit immorality if alone with a person of the opposite sex under the same roof at night, but not during the day. It is an automatic DF'g if it is a night.


  • teenyuck

    l had to chaperone my sister....but only on dates with dubs....she got to date worldly guys my mother allowed this I cannot imagine. (the wordly guys had more opportunity to go to college and earn a better wage)

    My sister is now 43....this all occured when she was 15-17...I was 12-14. She sent me an e-mail and told me how she hated ruined every dating experience and she married her husband (a worldly, drug abuser, thief) because of all the chaperoned dates! Like I had a choice and I forced her to go off and get pregnant and marry a loser. She is still holding a grudge....against me!

    Anyway, I don't think it is a good idea. When you tell kids their emotions and feelings will go out of control, they will. If you raise children to value a sexual relationship as something unique and to be treasured (at least most women think this....I doubt men do) they will not fool around.

    I think the scare tactics the dubs use work.

  • benext

    Did anyone ever have to study the Family Life book before getting married?

  • Xander

    I think it's required, isn't it?

    At least, none of the elders in our hall would marry us unless we said we had studied it together.

    (Now, THAT'S a funny one - you must study the family life book together first, with it's topics on submissiveness of the spouse, okay sexual practices and deviant ones, etc - but aren't allowed to be ALONE with your spouse. So, you essentially have to go over all the details of how a good JW marriage operates with your spouse with someone else watching! Talk about creepy....)

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    You know Xander.. that still comes up in my life, even though I've been out 23 years! I still "think" it's highly inappropriate for females to have males come over to their house when their husband isn't home. When I was single, I used to have male friends over all the time. Not for sexual fun and games.. but just to hang out, drink some beer, watch a game, or ride horses. But as soon as I got married, I got the "complex." I wouldn't DARE invite one of my male friends over for a beer or two if my husband wasn't here. I even am uncomfortable having repairmen come into the house to fix stuff if he isn't here. Many a time he has had to come home cuz a repairMAN is coming. Isn't that stupid? My neighbor, whose husband is working during the week in another city, doesn't find it all inappropriate to ask her male friend from another city to come and stay overnight with her, because she is alone and scared (her house was broken into a few months ago). He's been her friend since she was a little girl. Her husband also doesn't care. Her husband trusts her implicitly, and I have to say, that's pretty admirable. I find that REALLY odd... but it's really NOT, know what I mean?

    My husband prolly wouldn't care. He wasn't raised a Witness.. and thinks nothing of having female friends.. it's just SO HARD for me to get used to the idea that the sexes can intermingle withOUT hanky panky. Just a remnant of bein a JW I guess....

    Country Girl

  • maxwell

    Somehow, I was never confronted about this. Maybe because few witnesses I know ever saw my FW and I on dates. We met while at University together. One thing led to another and we were dating. My parents never bothered me about having a chaperone, although I told them I had started dating this girl. I was 21, last year of college and still living at home.

    Once my sister, who had dated before with a chaperone, saw us on a date together. My car had broken down. She goes, aha, Jehovah is trying to tell you that you need a chaperone. LOL She is a year younger than me and I think my parents had insisted that she have a chaperone. (Yes, I realize probably a double standard because she was a girl. However the fact is that in general women are physically weaker than men.) Anyway my dad came to help with the car and he told my sister not to worry about us. I guess my parents thought I was the goody good child. I only remember running into one other witness while dating her. Another young girl I knew was having lunch with a female friend. She was the sister of the guy who had dated my sister and had been the chaperone on some of their dates. We were at a public restaurant. She just said "hi" and smiled. (I was known to be very shy and she was probably a little surprised to see me dating). She might have had a hard time trying tell on my unchaperoned date even if she had wanted to tell, but I don't suppose she was that kind of person.

    We never did have sex, however, there was a lot of other physical stuff. I suppose I shouldn't get too detailed about that. I remember feeling a bit guilty after the watchtower study that went in depth on defining just what fornication and its greek word "por'nia" (sp?) meant. But not guilty enough to tell. I think we were engaged or married by then anyway. If anyone remembers that watchtower, you know they went on to say you don't have to actually have sex to commit fornication.

  • bittersweet

    I always hated the stupid chaperone stuff.My younger brother was the one who got the pleasure of coming with my now husband and I.He loved it though because he got free food and movie tickets.

    The first time we ever got to go out unchaperoned was the night we got engaged.

    Silly religion,silly rules!

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