Whats Your Power Hour??? (Quiz)

by kelpie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • kelpie

    Here is a test for all.....

    What is your Power Hour of the day??

    Sharp at SunsetThat's right, when the sun goes down, your energy and creativity go way up. This is your on time, when you're most inspired thoughts come pouring in and when you're most motivated to venture out. Are you into sports, dinner parties, or just hanging out with friends as the sun sinks out of sight? We thought so. Because that's the time of day that really empowers you and makes you feel alert.

    You're especially dynamic at dinner, cocktail parties, and early evening functions, when your persistent wit and wisdom are at their finest. And after dinner, when everyone else is putting on their jackets and preparing to head home, you're the kind of person who stays alert, inquisitive, and ready for more world-changing conversation.

    Being such a superstar at sunset has its drawbacks too. Right when you're coming up with your most fantastic ideas, most of the world is too tired to listen. Sure, this might leave you with a limited audience from time to time, but when you're on, you're on, and those lucky enough to be around value your enthusiasm. But even superstars hit a slump at some point in the day. That's when you need to remind yourself that there are tricks to get you through. Like grabbing an extra cup of coffee, getting some fresh air, or taking a power shower to rejuvenate you. And when that happens, there's no stopping you. Every hour can be your power hour!

    edited because my name was in there

    Edited by - kelpie on 27 January 2003 21:53:32

  • Gizmo

    Hehehehe good one Giggles

    Gizmo, you're Lively at Lunchtime Yep, at high noon you're in high gear. When the sun is shining its brightest, so are you. This makes you dynamic when doing lunch and keeps you sharp, aware, and unstoppable throughout the early afternoon. Noon is when you think your clearest and most creatively, when even the toughest hurdles seem to crumble at your feet.

  • meadow77

    Sharp at Sunset

    That's right, when the sun goes down, your energy and creativity go way up. This is your on time, when you're most inspired thoughts come pouring in and when you're most motivated to venture out. Are you into sports, dinner parties, or just hanging out with friends as the sun sinks out of sight? We thought so. Because that's the time of day that really empowers you and makes you feel alert.

    You're especially dynamic at dinner, cocktail parties, and early evening functions, when your persistent wit and wisdom are at their finest. And after dinner, when everyone else is putting on their jackets and preparing to head home, you're the kind of person who stays alert, inquisitive, and ready for more world-changing conversation.

    Being such a superstar at sunset has its drawbacks too. Right when you're coming up with your most fantastic ideas, most of the world is too tired to listen. Sure, this might leave you with a limited audience from time to time, but when you're on, you're on, and those lucky enough to be around value your enthusiasm. But even superstars hit a slump at some point in the day. That's when you need to remind yourself that there are tricks to get you through. Like grabbing an extra cup of coffee, getting some fresh air, or taking a power shower to rejuvenate you. And when that happens, there's no stopping you. Every hour can be your power hour!

    This is definitly me-of course I didn't need a quiz to tell me that I wasn't a morning person!

  • bikerchic

    he,hee gizmo I'm a nooner too! I knew that about myself already.


  • Aztec
    Magnificent at Midnight

    No doubt about it, you're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the hours when many have already given their last hurrah! You're one of those fine few who move with the moon and thrive when the sun has been down for hours. And that gives you lots of advantages.

    When most people are losing steam at events, on the streets, at dinner parties, on the dance floor you're just revving up, ready to amaze people with your charms, ideas, and thoughts about the world. It's pretty energizing to think that while you're at your peak, most of your neighbors are already falling into a deep, deep sleep.

    Okay this is really no surprise but it was fun.


  • manon

    Manon-Amazing in the afternoon.

  • Gizmo


    I think you would be magnificent at anytime!

  • StinkyPantz

    Bridget, you're Sharp at Sunset

  • Aztec


    You're adorable!


    PS: It's almost midnight here, is it close to noon there?

  • Scarlet
    Sharp at Sunset

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