A Plan to Stop Gun Violence

by Crazy151drinker 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazy151drinker

    Ok folks here is my plan to reduce the amount of Gun Violence in the U.S. Im sorry but I cannot help out the European countries becuase A) I dont live in Europe and B) Only naughty people have guns in Europe.

    Ok. I have come to the Conclusion that Drugs in the U.S. need to be not only de-criminalized but LEGALIzED so that they can be taxed. By legalizing drugs the PROFIT gained by selling them will plummet and it will not be cost effective for gang members and Cartels to import/deal drugs in the U.S. and the violence surrounding drugs will vanish as there will be no motive (ie $$$$$) to commit such violence.

    Ok. Now the problems.

    1) No one likes to admit they are wrong (especially the Govt.)

    2) The conservative right will flush any proposal and the left, well, they need help IMHO

    Ok soooo how do we get the Right to support the Left in this matter??

    Simple, by getting rid of all the Stupid Gun Bans. Keep a 5 day registration/background check/cooling off period. Thats it.

    Ok. Granted the Left would PANNIC, but wait: One must realize that huge percentage of Gun Violence is drug related. Get rid of the $$$$$$ and the violence drops.

    Soooo In conclusion: We legalize and Tax drugs and get rid of the stupid gun restrictions.

    The Right is Happy- We get our Guns, more room in jail for molesters, the Columbia problem dissapears, etc..etc.. The Left is Happy- We get more tax money, lower prison population, treatment money for addicts

    And BOTH sides are happy that Gun Violence Decreases.

    Now what are the chances that this will happen??? Should I quit my day job or continue to pray for the lottery...????

  • gsx1138

    I think we should just use Sen. Chris Rock's plan. Charge $3,000 per bullet this way if someone gets shot you'll know they had to have done something to deserve it.

    edited to add: By the way I agree with legalization as does almost all of law enforcement in the U.S. Except for the ATF who makes their budgets through the drug war. Listen to those guys and you can just see the propoganda brainwashing goin on.

    Edited by - gsx1138 on 27 January 2003 13:32:12

  • Crazy151drinker

    Chris Rock is a funny MF. If they did that Chris Rock would complain that guns where for only the Rich.

  • Realist


    there are some other things you could do to reduce crime rate...

    a) increase wellfare

    b) improve schools

    c) increase wages

    d) ban weapons (takes a while but will show effects in several years)

  • Crazy151drinker

    Increase wellfare??? Sorry, but that wouldnt prevent someone from selling drugs. Realist, the profit in selling drugs is ENORMOUS. I distinctly remember my buddy having a Big Screen, Leather Couches, and nice Car, and a house, and somehow not having a job..................

    Education should be increased but that will do little to prevent gun violence. The Violence is about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Why should someone go to school when they can sit on there ass all day and make thousands of dollars tax free????

    Once again, increased wages will not help. Besides, when wages go up, the prices go up. Nothing new.

    Ban weapons will never happen and we have over 200 MILLION already here so thats 2 little 2 late. (Blame the British, they started it all......)

  • SpannerintheWorks


    You forgot "e)" ... increase taxes.

    Where do you get the money for the increase in taxes? One possible solution is from legalised drugs, viz: Crazy's argument above.

    However, there is more to "gun violence" than that which is a result of unlegalised drug trafficing, n'est pas?


  • Realist


    still these things work very well in europe.

    higher wellfare prevents not selling the drugs but buying them. usually the big problem is caused by the very poor who start to take drugs to escape reality.

    same with higher wages (by the way increasing the very low wages which are too low to support yourself wouldn't increase infaltion).

    better schools give you better options later in life...remove the hopelessness (is that a word? ) and people won't take so many drugs anymore.

    ban weapons will never happen i agree...but i thought this is a thread about dreaming of a better world...no?

    it would take maybe even 20 years but in the end the weapons would be gone.


    i agree...taxing drugs would be a good idea.

    you don't need to increase taxes....cut the defense budget by half and you have plenty of money.

    Edited by - realist on 27 January 2003 13:55:36

  • SpannerintheWorks


    Ok. Now the problems.

    1) No one likes to admit they are wrong (especially the Govt.)

    2) The conservative right will flush any proposal and the left, well, they need help IMHO

    You forgot "3)" ... there would be a LOAD more drug addicts.


  • larc

    Crazy, I am a conservative Republican, but I agree with you. Prohibition has never worked and never will. I say legalize it all. Prostitution should be legalized as well in my opinion.

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hello, Larc ,

    What exactly are you referring to when you say, "all" ?

    I say legalize it all

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