30 more anointed last year..what the...

by Fruitcake 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Fruitcake


    Ive been on other sites, and I am a disfellowshipped witness dropping in to say hi, wanted to say that I have noticed that there have been 30 more anointed that have bit the cracker...and drunk the wine .anyone know how the GB is explaining this one? Thought the numbers would be going down , from how I was taught.....Is the GB hoping no one will notice this , or will they be sending assassins to help lower that number?


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Is those pesky demons again.


  • Elsewhere

    Perhaps the GB will attempt to "bring on" Armageddon by killing off the anointed... kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

    All they would have to do is put a little cyanide in the wine.

  • Matty

    The 1935 sealing date has gone right down the toilet hasn't it? And what has it been replaced with? Nothing yet - it's been convenienly forgotten. GB members David Splane and Gerrit Losch I know were born after this "sealing" date - if they were in my congregation and started munchin' on the crackers, they would be thought of as kooks, but I guess it's OK for some people to suddenly consider themselves annointed and not OK for others.

  • blondie

    Don't worry they have a strong study article coming up in the WT that tells them who the genuine anointed are and the fake ones have to quit partaking right now.


  • Buster

    Whatever the specifics that the GB uses to explain/enlighten/change the 'sealing' in 1935, one thing is certain: They will blame the prior misunderstandings on the Rank and File. Those overzealous members of the Great Crowd that 'misunderstood' the Society's loving explanation of how to determine if you are of the annointed.

    Maybe they'll determine that the 'sealing' was somehow figurative. Maybe Jehovah saw the future and saw identified others, yet to be born, that he knew he would want in heaven with him. Yeah, that's it: In 1935 the number included people that had not been born yet. That rationalization would defuse the issue immediately and for a long time.

    Where is Freddie Franz when we need him?

  • Snowball

    I remember a talk i gave some years ago about the number of annointed going down. During my research I actually came upon figures that showed that some years the numbers increased. I ignored those figures as not being applicable to the theme of the talk. This is one of those episodes I look back on and am struck in the face with the realization that I was working under the influence of mind control.

    Wayne Rogers

  • justhuman

    The dogma of the "sealing" of the anointed ones it is just another fantasy created by Booze Jo, like the many unscripture dogmas hold by the WT. Instead of accepting the simple bible truth that Christians in order to have life they must share the body and blood of Jesus, that is clearly stated on John 6:45-end of the chapter.

    If the sealing was done in 1935 that means no one of the "annointed" should be alive, if we take the average age of 25 years old that means they werre born in 1910. That means they are 93 years old!!!It seems that the "annointed" of the WT live many years!!! If we look that for the past 20 years this number it hasn't change...

    Jesus Christ he said to the Scribes and Pharisees at Hes time:(And of course the "second fulfillment" in our times for the Scribes and Pharisees living in Brooklyn N.Y)

    Woe to you because you shut the Kindomn of God before men, because neither of you can enter...

  • avengers
    there have been 30 more anointed that have bit the cracker...and drunk the wine .anyone know how the GB is explaining this one?

    I'll explain it! When an anointed person dies he or she goes to heaven to be close to Jehovah and the still incomplete 144000. Some of these 144000 get restless in heaven and start to do what the angels did before the flood, You get disfellowshipped from heaven for that. Ofcourse this frees up some places, hence the exta-large number of cracker-eaters; cq winedrinkers.

    I hope I have explained this clearly for all of you who still keep asking questions about why the number is on the increase. It's good for the ones who want to be anonted to pray that more will fall down from heaven so that will free up some more space on the hard-disk in the sky.

    Don't mind me. Andy

  • BluesBrother

    In 1992 there were 8683 partakers

    In 2002 there were 8760 partakers.

    When I was young and naive , the reducing numbers of the anointed used to make me sure that Holy Spirit was directing things ,since it was opposite to what one would expect. What can we say now?

    Incidentally, have you noticed an expression among the dubs, to be said with a knowing nod. "The real anointed".. Meaning that these partakers are zelous idiots in third world countries who get carried away .Funny that it never used to happen before. !

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