by Jacqueline 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jacqueline

    First time in over a year...3rd time in 2 years!

    My husband went out in service yesterday...and relayed the following story to me when he got home.

    Going from door to door....they were all "not at homes", so they were combing the neighborhood rather quickly looking for people at home...suspicious activity...having people going from door to door that quickly.

    The police showed up in the territory they were working and turned on their big red and blue lights. Talk with my husband and let them continue the "ministry work".

    Well, today is Sunday, and husband is not going to meeting today. (GOOD!) I anticipated the service thing yesterday was just an offering of peace to get the elders off of his back for awhile.

    Anyone care to share any "police" stories from the Kingdom Hall or out in Service that they have experienced?

  • StinkyPantz

    Well, I live in Kansas, which is a primarily Caucasian state. When my father, a 6'7'' Black man went in evening witnessing with my 6'3'' Black brother, they got the police called several times. Also, one Saturday morning while we were out as a family, we got the police called. It just seemed weird to me because we were dressed nicely. Who robs someone in a suit and tie?

  • mann377

    Enron, World com, etc.

  • blondie

    My husband (white) was in service at night with a brother (black) in a economically challenged neighborhood. The householder thought they were the FBI and wouldn't open the door.

    In some of the posher neighborhoods, we were counseled to dress up a little and drive in the nicer cars of some of the brothers/sisters. Otherwise, the police would be called.

    I was thinking, Jacqueline, that the JWs must not cover their territories as often as in the past if the people in the neighborhood can't recognize JWs at work.


  • mouthy

    One time I was out in service with three other sisters. & a woman shouted out to us" I have called the police on you lot" ( It was just after the Duplessis reign-when they used to shove the JWS in jail)

    So when the Police car pulled up - The rest told me to talk to them ( being the eldest) I went to the car- & they said we should stop doing what we were doing- as they had a lot of calls for us to be arrested... I pulled out my Watchtower & one of the articles on the front cover was "WHY ARE YOU PERSECUTING JEHOVAHS WITNESSES" The cop said well go on another street -to give us a break. I thought this was divine intervention!!!! I now know the DEVIL looks after his own...

  • mouthy

    I would like to tell you something that happened during the Cross & Lapport kidnapping in Montreal-by the FLQ-- I was a JW -I was talking to another JW on the phone -& we were disgussing how close we were to Armagedon -because the Police did not have to have a warrant to go into any homes( I forget what that is called- but Trudeau made it law) But some one kept interrupting the conversation- we could hear it plainly- It was all very "cloak & dagger" talk- How we knew we were going to be arrested because hadn't we learned we were going to be persecuted.... I got off the phone - My daughter Melanie-(the one I lost in death) was in bed sick- I was studying my Bible ( WT) when all of a sudden the police rushed into my home- one ran out the back door the other ran in all the rooms under beds etc:My poor Melanie went so white- she was so afraid. They looked at what I was doing- showed me pictures of a few men- Wanted to know If I knew them..I didnt.. But it was awful--- there was Helicopters over head- police running up & down the street.. Well to make a long story shorter. It seems I had been studying with a couple that lived NEXT DOOR to where Cross was being held captive--- They had been watching me....If you remember Lapport was found strangled in the trunk of a car by the FLQ.... Whew!!! We really thought it was Armageddon.. I look back at that now & think - Jehovahs Witnesses dont know what the hell they are doing with all this "WE ARE THE FORCE" My poor Melanie has died since -but I made her life a living hell by making her believe all that stuff- I am so sorry.... Just wanted to tell you that..

  • wednesday

    i'll get in my "way back" machine, back to the 60's. yes we used to get the police called on us, but they were generally ok with us , and it was usually just one or two householders who were disgruntled. I do however, recall one street, where one householder called a LOT of people on the street, and every door we went to people were really hateful, and TOLD us that a neighbor had warned them.

    Now my last time, probably earry 90's, mostly just dropping off mags at laundromats, but occ the police were called in apartement territory,the ones without gate security. I always hated working apts. so many doors so close together.

  • meadow77

    LOL @ 377

    Mouthy-So sorry to hear about your daughter, but don't beat yourself up about it. Maya Angelou has said "You did then what you knew to do, when you knew better, you did better" We all have regrets and sometimes they can be hard to live with, but we are just human. We're all just doing what we think is the best thing we can do.

    Edited to add-Welcome in from the shadows Sphere.

    Edited by - meadow77 on 26 January 2003 17:30:39

  • Soledad

    hi sphere wanna tell us your story? welcome

  • mouthy

    Thanks 77 -the only thing is I cant say sorry to those I did all that too. I am having a bad day today

    My daughter the JW- told my other daughter who is out but not DF -That she went on to www.google.com & found how I am persecuting the WT... I didnt even know it was on there . She said she typed in Grace Gough & got 3 pages of my venom....

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