Computer Freaks I need your help!

by Valis 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I'm putting one of my classes online and I'm not the best web designer on the planet, but I have to evaluate my own site and its content for acreditation....I would like some of you folks interested in A+ certification, web design, and those of you in computer classes to lend me some constructive criticism if you feel so inclined. You can be blunt...I prefer it that way. Just don't tell me I suck because that would be old news..*LOL*... So if you'd like check it out and tell me what I could be doing better. Mind you, not all my lecture stuff is up as the semester has just started and I will be propigating it w/content as time goes by.


    District Overbeer

  • jgnat

    I do not have certification of any kind, but I AM opinionated. I have not looked at your website yet. But I offer you my favorite site on web design:

  • jgnat

    Am I allowed to point out spelling mistakes?

  • espresso

    Hi there,
    one thing I would change is the links - at the moment they're opening new windows.

    Its a little annoying having to close a lot of windows and not being able to use the browsers Back button.

    For usability ideas you might want to check out

  • Mackin

    Good site Valis.

    A few suggestions:

    • Use a smaller font
    • Use tables for some of your content to keep columns even
    • Make links open in the same window
    • Optimise the site for 800x600 screen resolution
    • Run a spell check over all text.


  • wednesday


    certainly no computer tech,(i can't spell to well either) but if that was your site i clicked on, i was blinded by the green color. the top is so blinding , that i can't read the words to the far left.

  • Elsewhere

    Computer Freak huh?


    If that's how you think of me....

    You can just kiss my HAIRY WHITE [ --- CENCORED BY THE W3C ---]

  • IronGland

    I agree with Mackin on the smaller font. This might seem a bit picky, but on your front page you give a short description of what your links are, but the links (chat, weekly assignment, harware links) seem pretty self explanatory. Maybe your students aren't too quick on the uptake.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I would have to agree on the font size as well as tables to align your text. The font size on the Syllabus page is perfect on my computer.

    Also the explanation of links might be a bit redundant but if you really want to keep them I would suggest placing the link description beside the link rather than in a paragraph. And yup spell check would be worth using.

    Alignment looks much more professional if titles are centered but the text is justified or left-aligned. The syllabus page has a lot of info centered and IMO it detracts from the message

    I do like the simplicity. People surf the net from all kinds of computers with all kinds of connections. The simpler the site the better able people are to access your information. I think you did great on that. :)

    I actually liked the green background. My monitor has a tinge of green to it that I can't get out so the green looked super from here.

    Not sure if I qyualify as a computer "freak" but I have designed a few educational web pages and know what I like. I usually get a lot of positve feedback on the simplicity.

  • Yizuman

    I can help you build a better page since I am a web designer and webmaster of 6 years. I do have some ok software I downloaded, but would rather have Dreamweaver instead since I can't afford it.

    Lemme know what I can do for you.

    Good luck...


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