A question for those in the UK...

by Princess 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    Tonight I watched the movie About a Boy with Hugh Grant. There was a scene where he was having Christmas dinner with a bunch of friends and they were sitting around the table wearing paper crowns. What is that about? My kids get a paper crown at school on their birthday but I suspect around first grade they won't be doing that anymore.

    Is this a British Christmas custom?

    Good movie by the way. Not trying to make fun or anything, just curious. Really.


  • Brumm
    Is this a British Christmas custom?

    Yep it is a custom. We get thos papers crowns free inside of the christmas crackers we pull, kids make them at school at christmas time, its not a birthday custom. Just a party hat really but I take it has something to do with a king being born on Christmas day? So I take it you dont get them in the USA? Interesting, never knew that.


  • Princess

    Thanks Brumm. Nope, no crowns here in the US. We wear party hats at kid's birthday parties and like I said, the kids get them in school when they are young.

    I like it. Kind of makes a festive Christmas table. I do wear a Santa hat at Christmas, but no crown.

  • Brumm

    We wear santa hats too but even those are not as popular as the paper crowns. Anyone who celebrates Christmas has a paper crown, every home, restuarant and pub have these paper crowns. You find em in every nook and cranny. People walk the streets in them, gee this must look so parculiar to anyone visiting from the USA. Never gave it a thought before, just thought it was everyones custom.

    What do you get in your crackers then if not hats?

  • Princess

    We spread cheese on our crackers. No hats.

    Seriously, I've seen crackers for sale but have never bought one or known anyone who has bought them. What the hell are they? Hat boxes aparently?

  • Princess

    Ok, just had to add that I was telling my husband about the crown/cracker thing and he has no idea what a cracker is. I tried to explain it looks like a giant candy and apparently has a hat in it but he said he has never seen one.

  • Angharad

    There is usually a crappy toy and joke in the cracker too

  • Brumm
    We spread cheese on our crackers.


    When you pull the cracker it bangs and snaps, one person will end up with just the paper bow and the other will end up with the whole gift, which will be a crown, a totally crap little toy and an even worse joke...then you put the whole thing in the bin, including the toy. Its all part of the fun, you can hear little bangs all over the place.

    Is it because of a JW background that you seldom have these things or is it simply not a USA thing to do? We never had them when we were JWs, though I secretly popped a few crackers when folks were not looking. Never wore the crown though.


  • qwerty

    A selection of the Type of Jokes found in Crackers..................

    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Wenceslas who ?
    Wenceslas train home ?
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Snow who ?
    Snow business like show business !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Wayne who ?
    Wayne in a manger... !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Donut who ?
    Donut open till Christmas !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Oakham who ?
    Oakham all ye faithfull... !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Avery who ?
    Avery merry Christmas !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Holly who ?
    Holly-days are here again !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Rudolph who ?
    Money is the Rudolph of all evil !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Igloo who ?
    Igloo Suzie like I knew Suzie... !
    Knock Knock
    Who's there ?
    Mary who ?
    Mary Christmas !
    Knock! Knock!
    Who's there?
    Our Wayne!
    Our Wayne who?
    Our Wayne in a manger!

    Knock, Knock!
    Who's there?
    Carol singers!
    Carol singers! Do you know what flaming time of night it is?
    No, But if you hum it we'll sing it!


  • qwerty

    Forgot to say about my toy I got in a cracker at my works Christmas dinner party.

    I was so excited .........I can barely wait for you all to read this................ It was a Little yellow comb, about 1 inch long. Heeeeeee it did get a laugh at the table infront of my work mates when I said I'd keep it, and receeded proceeded to comb by hair with it! Oh we do have a good sense of humor us brits.

    The word I crosses out may have been the correct one (if I have spelt it right).


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