Holland - Must See!

by WhyNow2000 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • WhyNow2000

    Now that I got your attentions

    I just purchased a ticket from west coast to for $380!

    And it includes taxes! I couldnt pass it up. I am heading there for six days

    during the second week of February. Depending on my schedule,

    ( I have too many extended families and friends that live there and in the area)

    It would be interesting to meet some of my brothers and sisters

    If interested, please email me.

    Ps...Any suggestion of places(bar/club) to hangout

    Monday/Tuesday-the days that I am getting away from

    m y extended families . I am done with all the tourist traps.

    I am looking for places to see/hangout for a lone backpacker with

    a journal and a camera.

    Edited by - whynow2000 on 22 January 2003 20:51:59

  • Vivamus

    I take it we are talking Holland here. You know The Netherlands. And in that case:

    locate on it the nearest body of water,
    preferably a Lake...

    I take offense to that.

    Where are you going WhyNow200? What city? [And I am interested in those tickets myself as well.]

  • Robdar

    What city are you visiting? Take warm clothes, you are gonna need them!


  • WhyNow2000

    Tom - Whatever

    Vivamos & Robdar - I am going to amsterdam and rotterdam. I got the tickets thru NorthwestAirlienes. (NWA.COM) They still have some left. My firiend, she just got hers today.

  • WhyNow2000

    Tom - Whatever2

  • avengers

    Hey dude. If you're going to Amsterdam then I have several suggestions.

    Take warm clothes. It can get mighty cold here. BTW. I hope you have hotelreservations or you'll have to sleep in Youth Hostels which are pretty good places in Amsterdam. There are "coffee-shops" everywhere. When you ask for "the menu" you wil get a menu with all the available hashish and marijuana. A good place to go to is called the "Other Place". People from all over the world come there to just sit, smoke and talk. If you want I'll mail you a map of where it's located. Have fun.......


  • Robdar


    Amsterdam and Rotterdam are great choices. You will be flying into Schipol Airport? It's one of the better airports I have seen. They even have a smoking section and it isn't outside. Take the train into Amsterdam. There are streetcars and all sorts of public transportation available. Most people speak English. The money has recently changed over from Guilders to Euros. Most people in Holland do not mind short changing you so make sure that you understand the currency and count all change. Look over all sales receipts. Especially hotel bills. You wouldn't believe how many times I discovered over billing.

    There are "coffee-shops" everywhere. When you ask for "the menu" you wil get a menu with all the available hashish and marijuana

    Also, do not confuse coffee (MJ) shops with koffie (the beverage) shops. My favorite "coffee shops" are Betty Boop and the Bulldog. There are also head shops a plenty. You can find most anything there including herbal X and coca leaf.

    Dont forget about the Van Gough museum ande Rijksmuseum. Also, you should check out the red-light district but do not take pictures. You may get your camera broken.

    I do not recommend staying in the Old Centre. To me, it is too rough of a neighborhood although the rent is cheap. I prefer to rent an apartment in the residential part of town. You can always take a tram into the Centre.

    Here is the phone number to the Netherlands Reservations Centre: 0031/704 195500. Their websites are:

    http://www.hotelres.nl ; http://www.amsterdam.nl ; http://www.visitholland.com

    I do not know what dates you are planning on going to Holland but late March and April is bulb season. Holland is gorgeous that time of year but it is still quite cold. Take gloves, coats, hats and scarves. Also, there are lots of pubs that will warm you right up with a drink or two.

    Have fun. Don't forget to take plenty of pictures to post.


    Edited by - robdar on 24 January 2003 4:25:12

  • Valis

    TT...must you be an asshole every time you post? What does this thread have to do w/your love of the Christian Apologist C.S. Lewis? He wrote some good fantasy..big deal...but he had to apologize for his religion and defend it where there should have to be no defense.....Christianity should be able to stand on its own merits...sadly it doesn't and needs people to manipulate words in order to get others to believe. Who cares? All you are doing is picking a fight with whynow2k and that's it! Why? Because you enjoy deleted with people? Because you need mental help yourself? Or is it you treat everyone like this? You are becoming more the cretin all the time.


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 24 January 2003 12:2:56

    Edited by - Englishman on 25 January 2003 5:55:3

  • WhyNow2000


    Avenger & Robdar-

    I have been to amsterdam and Rotterdam three times and never have to stay in a hotel because i have family that live there. But on this trip i have a friend (significant) that's comming along so i think it is better if we stay in hotel/hostels. All the information that you provided is very helpful so thank you. We will be in holland on feb 5. The friend that i am going with has interest visiting old churches (gothic) and me: record stores (searching for old rare reggae grooves) / reggae/funk clubs.

  • Valis

    TT/Talleyman, maybe some like your idiocy, but I fail to see your contribution other than messing with people, which is why I bother kicking the like of you to the curb...no I'm not a "hall monitor"..I just don't like jerks like you...Looks like I got you riled up...*LOL* Try harder next time w/the rebuttal...all you're doing now is picking fights and trolling.. Calling me names like shithead and jackboot are real intelligent and the mark of a true Christian indeed...would your hero apologist talk to people the way you do? I doubt it!


    District Overbeer of the "Jackboot" class

    Edited by - Valis on 24 January 2003 18:33:25

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