More Sex During The 50's

by Guest 77 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Ok, this info comes from the this morning's Fox&Friends program. The male host reported that back in the 50's couples had more sex. His personal comments were, that's because women had had less time on their hands and as such they could engage in such activity. The female host responded by saying, no way, women didn't have modern conveniences such as a washer.

    The majority of women, if not most, used wash boards or just rubbing the clothes together, and then, they had to hang the clothes out whether the weather was severly hot or cold because they didn't have any dryers. All the work was done during the day time. Any playful sexual activity occurred after working hours as they had had no TV's and computers. My mom had twelve of us, and her giving birth to anymore children ended in the early forties. WE owned a TV in 1950 while living in the South End of Boston. As a youngster I did accidentally, oops, walk in on my parents while they were engaging in one of their playful activities. Any comments from the 40 to 50 era?

    Guest 77

  • eyeslice

    Can't comment on this - I must have been concieved in the 50's!


  • RubaDub

    I know that my parents had sex back in the 50's.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    eyeslice, you mean you don't know if you were conceived in the 50's? Really now.

    Guest 77

  • Mary

    I doubt that single people were having "more sex" in the 1950s than now. Don't forget, there was a horrible social stigma if you got pregnant out of wedlock and you basically got run out of town, or you went to "visit" a cousin in another state for the next 9 months. Even if you didn't get prego out of wedlock, there was still the horror of being labelled as "second-hand goods" or "used goods". And men back then did what men have done from the beginning of time: they'd brag about it to their friends if they actually scored. The very real possibility of getting pregnant without being married or even getting a "bad reputation", was a fairly good deterent to remaining a virgin until married. (Today, having sex before marriage or having an illigitimate child barely raises an eyebrow.)

    As for whether married people did it more in the 50s than now, well, that's debatable. Most women didn't work outside the home back then, so they probably weren't as stressed as what they are today, so maybe they did. They generally had more kids than what we do today, but that is more than likely the result of birth control being readily available today.......I think the only kind of birth control there was in the 50s were condoms..........and we all know how eager men are to wear them!!

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