Drifting Away Signs

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waygooder64

    I think it was the lap dances...

  • Mum

    It was tough for me. I was married to an elder. I had severe depression, could not concentrate. I decided to take some college classes (This was in the 1970's, but after 1975; so I thought we could do what we liked since we were in the New Order). My husband badgered me constantly. I was a target of sarcastic comments because of deciding to pursue education. I asked for a small piece of my life to live for myself -- a HUGE no-no!

    I plotted my escape like a convict. A fading-JW friend and a recently faded-JW friend helped me. I moved far away so they couldn't come looking for me and get me back in the dark doldrums again. I got a nasty letter from a "sister" I thought I was close to, who I thought was my friend, telling me what an awful thing I'd done. I had not committed adultery, sodomy, pedophilia, theft, or any other sin except "selfishness." I was accused of being "selfish." My "worldly" friends told me "Well, it's about time!" But I digress.

    The deeply depressed sister who is dragged to the meetings by her husband and goes through the motions like a robot (even to a greater extent than most other JW's anyway) is a good candidate to fade.

    Happy now, more selfish than ever, and loving it,


  • Carmel

    I think the cong knew I was "drifting' when they heard I was in jail, then placed in a foster home rather than return to my family home. Pretty good clue!


  • DIM

    I grew my hair obnoxiously long

    My wife and I started taking the King James bible to meetings

    We made it a point to miss one meeting a week (at least!)

    For the last year, we never went out in service

    I tried to give only bible based answers - if i answered at all

    We started saying little "apostate" things to our friends

  • DanTheMan

    Blondie, those were hilarious!

    On a more serious note, I knew my days were numbered when I started confiding in my non-JW sister and brother-in-law the conflicting feelings I was having about the org.


    Right up to almost the end, I was an auxiliary pioneer.

    Signs (obvious I'm sure): missing meetings; working all the time; sad/depressed affect; little to NO field service whatsoever; more worldly contacts, to name a few.

    It was hellish, having failed my first month of obtaining my required hours; gave it another go the following month, with disastrous results: less hours than the month before. Then the depression set in.

    Trust me, there were deep seated problems (demons, and skeletons in my closet). I really thought THEN, that if I simply just auxiliary pioneered and hung out with more members of the congregation, I could deal with 'my problem', which I never talked about, with anyone.

    Then the signs of drifting away, kicked in, real fast. Prayer, I found utterly useless which at one point drove me to tears. I think somehow in all of that misery, I realized, NO ONE is listening, human or otherwise.

    So, I gave up! But eventually, someone I knew who had an idea of what was going on, tracked me down and was going to contact the Bethel here in Canada, and have me counselled or DF/DA etc., which he said would be 'worse in Jehovah's eyes' , so I eventually contacted an elder, and well the rest is history.

    I'm free!

  • Introspection

    Maybe we can come up with a list like this for JWs:

    Top Ten Signs Your Amish Teenager Is In Trouble

    10. Sometimes stays in bed until after 5 a.m.

    9. In his sock drawer, you find pictures of women without bonnets.

    8. Shows up at barn raisings in full "KISS" makeup.

    7. When you criticize him, he yells, "Thou sucketh."

    6. His name is Jebediah, but he goes by "Jeb Daddy."

    5. Defiantly says, "If I had a radio, I'd listen to rap."

    4. You come upon his secret stash of colored socks.

    3. Uses slang expression, "Talk to the hand, 'cause the beard ain't listening."

    2. Was recently pulled over for driving under the influence of cottage cheese.

    1. He's wearing his big black hat backwards.

  • qwerty

    LOL@Intro !

    The Q

  • freedom96

    I was asked about my spirituality because I stopped using Jehovah's name when referring to God.

  • Dismembered

    I started constantly(while sitting at the sound booth) whispering in my wife's ear, after every talk/comment, "this is all a bunch of bullshit".


    Here we go with having to listen to "asshole" again.

    Refering to all the public talks as "Broken Records"

    Constantly farting and not caring who noticed it stunk in there.

    Thinking to myself..............Oh no not this crap again

    Cutting my fingernails at the sound booth.

    Always asking my wife what was for lunch.

    Fakeing sick when it was my turn to do the door.

    Edited by - Dismembered on 20 January 2003 11:48:15

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