Coming Soon to a Bedroom Near You

by Defender 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    While the world is anxiously looking to the possible war with Iraq, there is an interesting development going on in the background that may spell things to come. As a matter of fact, it may indicate a new direction into a new world order the like of which has not been seen.

    Everyone is following the news of UN inspectors scouring Iraq for signs of weapons of mass of destruction, however, the UN inspectors took a new action few days ago when they started questioning Iraqi scientists. What is interesting is the way they are doing it. You may think that UN inspectors show up in a factory or a scientific center and start talking to scientists. Well they are doing that, but now they are showing up in the scientists homes and even going into their bedrooms. One scientist had his ailing wife in bed while inspectors went into their bedroom.

    What is happening in Iraq could be a training ground for what the UN could be capable of doing in the future on a worldwide scale.

    The UN "inspectors" which at a moment's notice could turn into an international "police" might swarm into any house in the world in search of suspected terrorists, weapons, documents and possibly more.

    You thought that Watchtower elders were too intrusive into our bedrooms, well get prepared for an even bigger brother coming soon to a bedroom near you.

    Edited by - Defender on 19 January 2003 0:4:35

    Edited by - Defender on 19 January 2003 0:4:52

  • SPAZnik

    Is that a nuclear weapon under your robe or are you just happy to see me?

    Edited by - SPAZnik on 18 January 2003 22:51:28

    Edited by - SPAZnik on 18 January 2003 22:57:8

  • SixofNine


  • starfish422

    "It was like 'The Godfather'"? Do they have Godfather movies in Iraq??

  • Elsewhere


    Ironic you should mention that... The Godfather is one of Saddam's favorite movies.

  • heathen

    Defender - I also found this to be disturbing .The government has been actively pursueing amending all rights to privacy in the US . Although they are dealing with some very evasive people in Iraq I don't think that kind of treatment would have any support should it happen to an american citizen . I see alot of people in fear of a world similar to the Orwellian novel 1984 in fact I was reading something this morning in the news about how americans are reacting to the placement of surveillance devices in public places and being constantly under the eye of big brother . Some people weren't thrilled about that either .

  • Elsewhere
    The UN "inspectors" which at a moment's notice could turn into an international "police" might swarm into any house in the world in search of suspected terrorists, weapons, documents and possibly more.

    If someone had ever suggested that the UN might do something like that, I would have laughed at the suggestion as ludicrous... but there it is... happening right in front of us.

    I am by no means a "conspiracy" or "look out for the NWO" nut case... I hardly ever even consider such things other than to look at the websites about it and laugh at it all as a joke.

    However, this has caught my attention... because it is real and actually happening.

  • Mary

    As long as the scientists aren't practising oral sex in bed, I don't see a problem.

  • RubyTuesday

    LOL!! @Mary!

  • Yerusalyim

    IF this guys wife is really sick, I feel for her, BUT there's no reason to believe she really is. What you DON'T mention is that this scientist had in his personal possession documents which pertained to research for enriching Uranium to make weapons. Documents that were suppossed to be declared in the IRAQI weapons declaration but weren't. Documents that were hidden. If he didn't want UN inspectors in his home, he should have turned over the documents. He knew what they were looking for when they got to his home. The Iraqis argeed to this part of the UN resolution, it's quited disengenious of them to whine about it now.

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