JW Facts for the Media

by UnDisfellowshipped 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Ok here's a couple that need clarifying,

    * Jehovah's Witnesses forbid women from holding any position of authority inside their Organization:

    Unless there are no male members of the congregation. I have known several women who have held positions at one time or another.

    * Jehovah's Witnesses forbid their members from receiving Blood Transfusions:

    Actually, they allow all kinds of transfusions nowadays, just not whole blood cells.

    * Jehovah's Witnesses forbid their members from participating in anything political, including voting in elections.

    Officially, there is no sanction on voting. Each witness is free to follow his conscience.

    No Apologies

    (of the nit-picking class today)

  • Mary

    "......Forbid is a bit strong i have never been forbiden to do anything in 35yrs....."

    What planet are you on? Every Witness and ex-Witness knows that there's a thousand things that you are forbidden to do unless you don't mind getting axed and shunned from your family and friends and everyone else in your world. Get your head out of your ass and wake up. Birthdays, voting, blood transfusions, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, reading ANYTHING against the JW religion, are ALL forbidden on pain of disfellowshipping, and everybody knows it.

    No Apologies said: Actually, they allow all kinds of transfusions nowadays, just not whole blood cells.

    Well now, isn't that mighty white of them! And what ever happened to their "Light" from Jehovah forbidding ANY kind of a transfusion?

    Edited by - Mary on 16 January 2003 18:45:21

  • Kenneson

    No Apologies,

    Where in the Bible does it forbid transfusions of whole blood cells, but allows albumin, hemoglobin, platelet, blood fractions, etc.?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Mary, Kenneson

    just to clarify:

    I don't make blood policy for the Watchtower. I don't enforce it. I don't understand it. I don't agree with it.


  • YellowLab

    This is scary stuff, folks.

    Even I didn't realize what control they had on people even back in the 1950s. I vividly recall several relatives who had been disfellowshipped some years back and how we were instructed not to even look at them, say Hello, nothing. Just treat them cold and pretend they're not there. My uncle was disfellowshipped at the time of his folks' 50th wedding anniversary and he couldn't even be a part of it. He sat in a parked car outside the house where the party was at and watched through the window at everyone having a good time. That is really, really sad.

    "in order to hate what is bad a Christian must hate the [Disfellowshipped] person"

    I am shocked that this type of behavior would even be considered a loving provision. Think of the irreparable harm it has on children. It only serves to reinforce absolute control over their members. Even though this quote was over 50 years ago and you'd probably not see such strong language published today, you know darn well many of the older members in the congregation still heed this command.

    This is exactly why I refuse to disassociate myself. As long as I fade away and not stir up any controversy, then I'm fine. I don't want to give my family and relatives a reason to not talk to me.


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