UK TV Presenter Matthew Kelly arrested for abuse

by Simon 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Fe2O3Girl

    This is shocking news indeed. The charges relate to incidents in the 1970s. The former manager of the Bay City Rollers has been arrested as part of the same inquiry. Being arrested, even for something as horrible as child abuse, does not constitute guilt. There was a high profile case of a football team manager who was charged with child abuse which was alleged to have occurred in the 1980s when he was a careworker in a children's home. The case went to court and he was found not guilty on all counts.

    Matthew Kelly's arrest is not linked to the recent Operation Ore arrests. I was reading about that operation which lead to 1300 arrests in Britain, including teachers, careworkers, surgeons and two MPs rumoured to be former government ministers. These are all relating to viewing child porn internet sites. It seems that a lot of people are viewing this material. There is a school of thought that veiwing child porn does not lead to or correlate with actually abusing children. Even if this idea is accepted (and seems stange to me - why would someone want to view it?) somewhere a child has been abused in order to produce the image.

    This has lead me thinking - Is the problem far more widespread than we ever imagined? The popular image of a paedophile in the UK is the "dirty old man" or possibly the scoutmaster, not the teacher, police officer or social worker.

    Or, Is the problem being blown up in the media and are there false accusations flying around?

    I fear it is the former scenario.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    He should have been arrested years ago for those ridiculous waistcoats and hosting 'Stars In Your Eyes'.

    Actually wasn't the former drummer of the Bay City Rollers jailed some time back for paedophilia??

    Interesting that the manager of that group has been arrested too.

    I just keep thinking who's next???

  • home_and_dry

    I am seriously shocked by this. The fact that it is linked to the situation that resulted in Jonathan King's imprisonment and the fact that the police have been planning this operation for months seems to make it look pretty bad.

    I don't doubt that there will be more revelations to come linked with this case, as there are already a few other high profile celebrities who were alleged to have been involved also.

  • morrisamb

    I've never seen Stars In Their Eyes. I live in Canada.

    So I did a quick search on Kelly and the show. The 2nd item I looked up a British review forum. Two people wrote the following on April 19/2002. Ominous, eh?

    "Mathew Kelly makes my skin crawl. He looks like a dirty old man."

    "That Matthew Kelly is a right sook though - I swear you could kick him in the funbags and he'd grin and tell you what a good job you did!"

    I saw the Bay City Rollers' manager interviewed on a music bio on the group. He said he did his time and the show itself said it was for sex with a minor.

    By the way, I agree Innocent until proven guilty. But sometimes our instinct, past experience, etc..leads us in one or the other direction.


  • Abaddon

    One thing that strikes me as odd.... these arrests, and those of others relating to the same period (Johnathan King??, can't remember), are all for offences agains boys.

    Crime is crime, but it's funny that we are not seeing massive arrests from the same period of time for offences against girls. What, did the Bay City Rollers and Shawadywady (or for that matter Led Zeppelin and the other groups of the period) NEVER do anything with a girl that was illegal on account of her age?

  • mouthy

    I just want to add- We must wait until proven- Why? I was on the "Sally Jessie Rapheal "show I think the title was "They went to Church & was rejected" or something to that effect. There was a fellow on it who was accused- by the Church -as to abusing sexually his daughters. ( His Father-in-law( the Father of the woman saying her kids were abused) was also accused- the local police was also accused.---It was a very big scandle in the papers.It was a counsellor within the Church ( Assembly of God) who was advising his "patients" to go back into there minds & recall the bad things that had happened to them.....This is what they were recalling- So lets wait untill they are really caught to be guilty- The above mentioned guy lost all- until it was proven the counsellor was a fraud....

  • Gerard

    Fry him!

  • Fe2O3Girl
  • sleepy

    I believe that accused people (whatever the crime) should remain anonymous until proven guilty.If found guilty then sure we all should know.

    My thought for the day.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Police drop Kelly abuse inquiry

    Matthew Kelly speaking outside Staines police station Mr Kelly spoke of his relief
    Police are taking no action against TV presenter Matthew Kelly over an allegation of sexual abuse against a young boy.

    But he has received a formal caution after officers discovered a small quantity of a class A drug at his house during a search.

    Despite that, employers Granada and ITV have said he will return to host the next series of popular Saturday night prime time show Stars in Their Eyes.

    Mr Kelly, 52, of Chiswick, west London, was arrested in Birmingham on 15 January in connection with an allegation of sexual abuse in the 1970s.

    altI recognise that the use of such drugs is both illegal and foolish alt Matthew Kelly
    After further questioning at Staines police station in west London on Monday, the star was told by police he would be released due to "insufficient evidence" against him.

    In a statement he read outside the station, he said: "I am delighted but not surprised that after an extensive and thorough police investigation, which included inquiries abroad, it is clear that there is no truth in the single allegation that was made against me.

    "I strenuously denied the allegation when interviewed by the police and have given them all possible assistance with the investigation which they were under a duty to carry out.

    "I was always confident my name would be cleared in due course."

    Name cleared

    The star had been due to answer bail at Guildford police station next month, but was brought back early on Monday.

    The allegation was believed to have dated from the 1970s.

    Mr Kelly added: "It has been a very anxious and upsetting time for me and my family, not least because of press coverage at the time of my arrest."

    altThis will have no bearing on his future with Granada alt ITV and Granada statement
    Detective Chief Superintendent Craig Denholm said the force had a duty of care to carry out an investigation, which included searches, computer examinations and witness interviews.

    But he added: "Following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service it has been decided there is insufficient evidence to support the allegation against Matthew Kelly.

    "Until this point Surrey Police has not named Mr Kelly and has taken steps to minimise the disruption to his public and private life."

    Mr Denholm said the small quantity of class A drugs had been discovered during a police search of Mr Kelly's London home.

    TV return

    He said Mr Kelly had admitted possession and had been formally cautioned.

    Mr Kelly said he recognised having class A drugs had been "illegal and foolish" and he apologised to his family and any members of the public who felt let down.

    Mr Kelly was arrested as part of the sex abuse inquiry that led to the conviction of pop mogul Jonathan King.

    Matthew Kelly outside Staines police station Mr Kelly was confident his innocence would be proved
    Mr Kelly had been appearing as Captain Hook in a production of Peter Pan.

    Davina McCall was picked to host three Stars In Their Eyes celebrity specials while the investigation into the star - who is married with two grown-up children - was ongoing.

    However, in a statement, Granada and ITV said: "Now that this matter has been resolved, we look forward to him returning in the forthcoming series of Stars in Their Eyes and the live final."

    The organisations said they had discussed the drug caution with the presenter.

    "This will have no bearing on his future with Granada," the statement added.

    Can we resuscitate him now, Gerard?

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