field service

by DIAMOND 16 Replies latest jw friends


    What is the deal with field service. You know I'm doing that slow fade thang (really slow). But I was at the meeting Sunday (the only meeting I attend). And a good friend of mine who is a MS was talking to me about where I've been and how I've been doing. Not fake or phoney but really concerened. We've been friends since high school. But as the conversation was ending he looks at me and says "Lets get together and go out in service sometimes. Now he knows I haven't been in service in months have not been to a meeting other than Sunday in months and he throws that out there. How much better would it have been to say "Hey lets get together and have a brew and watch the game." Or "Hey come to my house on Sunday for a cookout."

    Is field service the catch all. Is that all that matters to these people. Field service is not gonna help me. I just looked at him with that are you kidding look on my face. You"ve known me for years you see my situation and you're gonna ask me to go out in service. He would get more info from me over a beer and a game than out in service.

    What the hell was he thinking. Just my 2 cents.


  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    At one of the last meetings I ever attended the speaker made the comment that we could be doing everything we are suppose to, such as meeting attendance, living a moral life, personal study etc., but if we do not engage in the field service, it is all a waste of time. Since I refused to go to my neighbors and willing lie to them to sell this cult, I figured why waste my time with the rest of it.


  • NeonMadman
    Is field service the catch all. Is that all that matters to these people.

    Yeah, pretty much.

    To listen to JW's, field service is the cure for everything. Discouraged? Get out in service more. Depressed? Get out in service more. Family problems? Health problems? Job problems? Doubts about the organization? More field service will cure anything!

    Your friend thinks that, whatever it is that's keeping you from "doing more," getting you out in service will be a step toward solving the problem. After all, your real problem, in their eyes, is low spirituality - measured, of course, by the fact that you aren't spending enough time in field service. Besides, until you get active again and start doing what you "should be" doing, you really aren't good enough association for those social activities you mentioned.

    Great religion, huh?

  • Wolfgirl

    I never understood that. You're depressed? Oh, go out in'll make you feel better. You're not doing won't be depressed if you go out in service more, go to all the meetings, study all the time, and pray. Hello? I did all that, and still hurt. More of the same isn't going to help.


  • RunningMan

    This organization has only one function - self propogation. They do nothing charitable or humanitarian. They do nothing for their members.

    So, yes, field service is their only approved activity. Besides, how could he have a brew with you - you are obviously a bad association.

  • Jourles

    Take it from me, STAY AWAY from any beer offers. If you have a few and your mind opens up and you begin to speak freely, be VERY careful what you say. This happened to me last summer with a good friend of mine. Let's just say I provided too much information to him than I should have.

    I am extremely careful these days when I am in the company of other witnesses and alcohol is being consumed. Liquid Courage is all it is. It is worse when you just WANT to let them all know that they are wrong and are following a cult. Alcohol lets you speak your mind, without thinking of the consequences which can follow later.

  • JH
    you are obviously a bad association.

    There should be NO such thing as bad association. Jesus said that there would be strong and weak people in the "truth". Did Jesus say to shun the weak one? NO, he said to encourage him.

    As long as a person is not Disfellowshipped, he should be a GOOD association. If he is weak, encourage him, don't boycott him!

  • NameWithheld

    FWIW, I don't recall Jesus ever disfellowshipping anyone.

  • rocketman

    Diamond........... runningman, neon, and wolfgirl are right on target. Forget the brewski. They want you back in service, that's the whole Idea. The idea isn't to just hang out and have a nice time, it's to get you 'reactivated'.

    Edited by - rocketman on 15 January 2003 12:20:58

  • longtimeout

    "Field Service": The incessant door-to-door sales activity engaged in by millions of unpaid salespeople maintaining the Borg's cash flow and distributing it's product, literature. Of course, every now and then a "convert" is recruited, and there's another cog in the wheel.

    Again, it's always about the MONEY!

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