
by Marcos 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Marcos

    First and most important;

    ElsewhereI like getting spankings

    Sorry Elsewhere, I can't help you. Perhaps one of the sisters...

    Glad to note the first posts on this topic show an understanding of my point. It appears that there are a couple of limitations. One is that I have seen some mothers, even here where I live, give a few whacks to the behind of a very young baby. It seems unreasonable to me.

    There is an age when a child has a level of understanding that can equate bad behavior with punishment. Corporal punishment before that age (undetermined because all children are different) seems to be unproductive. I don't think a baby really can comprehend being struck. Then again, I'm not a mother. Perhaps due to the closeness between mother and baby it can be effective. I simply don't know. I do feel uncomfortable about it however. Maybe someone can give an idea of the lower limit at which such correction might be effective.

    The upper limit, too, seems a little cloudy. As I mentioned, all kids mature in different areas of their personalities at different rates. Of this I am reasonably sure. I work with young children quite a bit. But I believe that spanking becomes ineffective (except to cause anger and resistance) at a certain age usually before adolescence.

    My son, who is now 19 years of age, has, on more than one occasion, told me that he would prefer that I "hit" him instead of expressing disappointment in a behavior or even silent disapproval. I actually understand what he means. Sometimes the knowledge that he (or even myself) have done wrong makes him wish for a way to just make the problem go away.

    I think that the word "discipline" gets a bad rap. I too think that Spock should have stuck to space exploration (joke). I don't see the majority of young people as better off than their parents and in many cases much worse off. We all deserve respect -- even the parents. And respect is earned. This is a common expression among young people now who refuse to see the broader implications of the saying. When you show responsibility and respect, you will be given more of each.

    If we don't discipline the kids, OTHER KIDS WILL DO IT FOR US, as I said in my original post. And the results are usually far more damaging to our kids.

    My approach is, and has been, not to administer punishment when I am angry. I have seen parents do this (even mine) and the result is usually not good. I also tend to view it as an intensely private matter. Public humiliation is out for me.

    Having said that, there are certain forms of corporal punishment that can be applied. In my classes and with the parent's permission I often have the "offender" do push-ups (5 - 10). It is done in a light-hearted manner and with a sense of play. They get the point and are never humiliated. I clear this with the parents when they first bring their kids to me for training. The option I give them is either their child conforms to the norms of my class or they are corrected. If I can't correct the child, I will not accept that child in my class.

    At the end of the day, EVERY child leaves with a smile. They even have some bad behaviors with their parents that the kids know I will not accept. Outside of my classes it is up to the parents to either continue with what I teach or not. But I always expect the best from my students. My son also helps me with my classes. The kids love him. Dammit, I think they like him more than they do me!

    Well, just some thoughts. I look forward to hearing more from you.

    BTW, I also think that many people sort of ride the pendulum. They often say (as I did to myself) that, "I will never do what was done to me!" Well, I have discovered that my parents were not entirely wrong. They made mistake as I have but for the most part, I see discipline as an act of love.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    There has been several threads devoted to the subject on Spanking on this forum. Do a search, and you will find them. Here is a post of mine that I cut and pasted from the following thread.

    First off, I'm not FOR spanking, but I'm not AGAINST it either. It just depends on the circumstance it is being used.

    And no one can convince me that there is NO DIFFERENCE between a swat, a spanking, and a beating. I've had all three during my upbringing, and let me tell ya, BIG DIFFERENCE. Also, I believe the reason for the hitting can make a difference. I was beaten for some of the most inane reasons. The worst was for forgetting to take out the kitchen trash. Now, it is my adult opinion, that nothing could have excused the lashing I got, but the idiotic reason just adds to the injustice I feel to this day.

    Another thing, I think that ALL aspects of a child's upbringing has to be considered. If the kid has loving parents that are involved and nurturing, then an occasional swat on the tush for a transgression isn't going to leave them scarred for life. To put a microscope on just ONE aspect of a child's life and declare it is going to do irreversible damage is just plain absurd.

    So, a parent doesn't hit a kid. But they neglect the him or her by not feeding or bathing them. Or, like another poster wrote, abused them verbally. Those things can be just a damaging, if not more so. Burned in my memory are some of the very hurtful things that were said to me. More so than the beatings, and believe me, I got beat A LOT.

    As for my own children. They are a handful. Yes, I have swatted on occasion. AND yes, in public. I DARE anyone to say anything to me. Generally, it is very evident that it is needed because my verbal admonitions are not being heeded and the transgression is serious enough to warrant such action. However, I always try to talk first and reason with them. I am very patient, but some things I will not tolerate.

    As I write this now, my son has lost his privilege of playing Nintendo for today. As this point, THAT weapon in my arsenal seems most effective.


  • Marcos

    Once again, I think that spanking or other forms of physical punishment are a last resort. As to the age when they should cease, I believe that that depends on the child. They all mature at different rates.

    As for spanking teaching the kid to be fearful and to believe that hitting is an acceptable practice, I disagree (with reservations). If your child is normal and you dont beat the child or discipline out of anger, I must say that the child knows the difference.

    Corporal punishment is common here and I must say that the vast majority of people are not insensitive. But, I do agree that, if not administered with love, the result will almost certainly be insensitivity on the part of the child.

    I also saw a lot of little children beat and abused when I was with the WT. Most often in my experience it was applied correctly and with restraint. I also saw abuses. There will always be bad parents unfortunately.


    P.S. And, yes, I think that the verbal abuse can be as devastating and humilliating (perhaps more sore in some cases) as a "beating".

  • LDH

    I was spanked. I survived.

    My parenting philosophy is simple: Self-discipline doesn't mean hitting myself, why does discipline mean hitting a person smaller than me?

    I can count on one hand the number of times I have struck my daughter, and I would have fingers left over.


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Here is a Thread I made about the Watchtower Society recommending that Parents beat their children:

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