How Did Your Adolescence Go?

by Englishman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Buster

    My dad was a non-dub, like email's. The thing I missed the most was sports - but that was at least as much due to the fact that my father's total focus was on academics. I was to be the first in my line, both sides, to go to college (first to graduate high school for that matter).

    I would have gotten a lot out of association with my peers in high school. There were some pretty impressive people in my classes.

    But I gotta say this: I had one excellent group of friends while growing up in the Franklin MA congregation. Depending on when and how you counted, there were anywhere from ten to twenty of us at any one time. We had some very good athletes and we could assemble a basketball team that we could take to the playgrounds and take on the other neighborhood kids. Sometimes we even went to the city and got our buts kicked on the court.

    We had motorcycle phases, dirt and road. We did our first surreptitious drinking when we were 15 on overnight trail rides. I'll never forget the time Vinnie came down from a jump and his left foot pedal gave way. We rolled for what seemed like hours - us laughing, he, in pain.

    Some of those guys were the funniest people I ever met - even to this day, 25 years later. They could make you wiz your drawers.

    And what description of adolescence would be complete without mentioning the opposite gender. Our congregation had some of the best looking girls you ever met - a couple were the prettiest girls in their high schools. I was sure I was going to end up with Dana, until another girl's older brother married her, the bastard. By now she agrees, but its a wee bit too late for that, now isn't it?

    Yeah, we had the run-ins with the JCs. I fought the mind control to the point where the only solution was to stop going - a process that started as I went to college. And speaking of college, I got a letter of recommendation to the Admissions Committee from our congregation's PO.

    Believe it or not, most of my memories are fond ones. How does that compare?

  • Mac

    It's coming along just fine, thank you!


  • Swan

    It was pure hell! It was the most lonliest, most confusing time of my life. I didn't know who I was or how I could ever be a good servant of Jehovah. Everything about me was mixed up and felt wrong. I was totally topsy turvy inside compared with what the JWs were wanting me to be outside, and I cried and cried about it. I couldn't relate to anybody, not even to other teens. I couldn't talk to anybody about my problems because I felt I was such a freak of nature. On top of that I was subjected to abuse. I am surprised I ever made it.


  • SheilaM

    My adolescence was spent in my little fair tale world where my Dad was really not a jerk and Mom didn't pop Valium just vitaminsI made my life what I wanted it too be which didn't mesh much with the reality of the situation. I wasn't raised a dub but when I met thunderrider and his buttI was curious about the religion.

    Also thanks TR that was sweet I was so shocked you put it on a threadBut I love you too and appreciate that you have never been from this planet and your love for me and our kids He is not like any man I have ever known...

    Edited by - SheilaM on 14 January 2003 14:56:1

  • Brummie

    LMAO Mac!

    How Did Your Adolescence Go?

    It went a bit like this:

    Good morning, we are in the area this morning drawing our neighbors attention to the thought provoking question posed on the front of this magazine......Gods day of wrath... will YOU survive or will the birds eat you?

    Then again It went a bit like the weather...sunny, scattered showers, galeforce winds, thunder, spring and snow..but mainly unpredictable.

  • Beans

    When I was 16 I escaped a religious cult, I had already started doing stuff that was crazy and continued to do crazy stuff. I am now 34 and still rebelling, I don't think I will ever grow up!


  • Mary

    How was my adolescence? It sucked big time. Because I was given absolutely no guidence in life, I had not a clue how to deal with the whole dating/love thing. I did manage to date the only guy I've ever loved, but because I had low self-esteem I screwed up the relationship until he left me and everything's been downhill from then.......

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