Speaking Up on Child Abuse

by joe_from_kokomo 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • joe_from_kokomo

    I am new to this. Still "taking the lead" in my congregation with severe doubts brought on by my
    own "new light", that is personal study on 587 BCE (if you know what I mean, then you know what
    I mean). To add to that, this publicity about the child abuse issue (Silent Lambs) has me very
    disgusted with the society.
    Let me share with you all a true, but anonymous, story:
    Recently, we went to our district conv. and the guest speaker was GB member Bro. Heard. 
    He was an excellent speaker, but in his keynote final address, he made a joke about the Silent
    Lambs controversy and how what they were doing was "the work of the devil". This comment really
    got under my skin. Made me very mad, since I had done enough research by this point, to know that
    this was not the truth...
    At great personal risk, after the conv. meeting ended, I confronted him in the corridor. 
    He and his wife were coming out from backstage. I told him he had given a good talk, but I needed
    to get clarification on one point... I asked him whether or not the claims of child abuse among JWs that he
    had mentioned a few moments ago in his talk were really true.
    (It seemed like a good True/False touchstone question.)

    I am pleased to say that he did not lie to me. He did not say that the claims were false, (as anyone could easily guess by the amount of people coming forward...) He said something about how "some of them had been greatly exaggerated, however". I pressed him further and expressed my concern that the "two witness rule" did not offer enough protection for our children... "that there would never be two witnesses to child abuse..." (at this point, his wife seems disgusted and walks off from us). Of course, he readily defended this rule, telling me that it was a Bible-based rule from the Hebrew Scriptures...

    Since I had studied our own state law very recently, and was up-to-date on our statutes, I quickly told him quite firmly that in my state it is illegal (a misdemeanor) for many kinds of professionals to NOT report child abuse, and cited the statute number as I mentioned this... I described that this included doctors, attorneys, firemen, policemen, state employees, chiropractors, mental health workers, psychologists, child care workers, etc.... He, at this point, made some patronizing remark I cannot recall,like "that's good". I told him that the law does not specifically include clergy, but was it not true that many of the brothers served in these other capacities in the workplace? Shouldn't we then model the state law in my state and inform the brothers (who at present are, as best I can tell, ignorant of the state law on this topic)? I told him that there was even a toll free number for the brothers to use to reports such incidents, and they did not even have to get involved when it comes to child abuse situations- just let the police handle it, I suggested.

    The conversation ended shortly after that, with me rambling on about being concerned about my own child and that we do not have enough protection for children. I wrapped up and departed quickly, as others were now beginning to hover around, and I did not want him to figure out exactly who I was... I think I disappeared quick enough that he did not get time to find out.

    So far no serious repercussions yet... I probably went too far though, and took too much personal risk, but I had to get it off my chest.; I wish more would do the same ...

    I think that this issue speaks volumes about the hardline philosophies at the top.Uh oh. Too much independant thinking I guess. If the word gets out that I did this, I wonder if I can impose the "two witness rule" in my own defense? :) What do you think???

    Edited by - joe_from_kokomo on 13 January 2003 0:45:56

  • StinkyPantz

    I think it's great that you've found this site, welcome!

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Welcome Joe!!

    What you did was GREAT!!

    I wish more people would do as you did!

    The 2 Witness policy is so they will not be sued for defamation of character of the PERPITRATOR!!

    It is so criminal it is unbelievable!

    An Old Time Pioneer Brother who had been in The Truth for well over 35 years at the time told me this years ago.

    If you get the courage up to speak again take a look at this other thread about the one- witness policy.


    It is not a biblical requirement!

    Once again Welcome Joe!!

    Look forward to your posts!

    Agape, Utopian_Raindrops

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 13 January 2003 1:6:51

  • Brummie

    Hey Joe from Kokomo

    Welcome aboard and thanks for sharing

    I probably went too far though, and took too much personal risk, but I had to get it off my chest.; I wish more would do the same ...

    Glad you were prepared to take the risk and yes more should do the same.


  • Scully

    Hi Joe!

    I enjoyed reading about your encounter with the GB member. It took some real "brass ones" to do what you did!! Lots of people feel very intimidated by someone in his position. Congratulations on a job well done!

    Welcome to the board too!

    Love, Scully

  • waiting

    Hey Joe from Kokomo,

    I have a son we refer to as Joe Schmoe, & Joe Commode (by his siblings). Seems many play with the name Joe. He prefers Joe Cool, btw.

    Nice to have you at our forum - and what courage to go up to a GB member to discuss the handling of child abuse amongst JW's!

    Recently, we went to our district conv. and the guest speaker was GB member Bro. Heard. He was an excellent speaker, but in his keynote final address,he made a joke about the Silent
    Lambs controversy and how what they were doing was "the work of the devil".
    This comment really got under my skin. Made me very mad, since I had done enough research by this point, to know that this was not the truth... -Joe

    So now reporting child abuse is "the work of the devil." Afterall, that's what SilentLambs is doing - reporting child abuse....just in a very vocal way.

    I suppose all those Catholic victims who spoke out against the Catholic Church are also "the work of the Devil?" No! Of course not!

    Only the WTBTS is persecuted by Satan.....all other churches doing the exact same thing are wrong - only the WTBTS is approved by God while still allowing the raping of small children.

    My child was abused by a man who was a Ministerial Servant with 5 children of his own - and in time, many grandchildren. My child never spoke about it until grown. When I called the congregation he was in, the PO told me that his own grown daughter had just written them a long letter detailing years of incest by him.

    He told me that he had called the WTBTS for recommendations. The WTBTS said don't even speak to the man about it, as his worldly wife had threatened to sue them for slander. The elders didn't. I reported it to the police. He remained a "brother in good standing" until is death.

    I hope he suffered in death. Lol - I'm a mother, I can say things like that....and mean it.

    Nice to meet you.


    Edited by - waiting on 13 January 2003 13:5:30

  • Trauma_Hound

    Good for you Joe! And welcome, I just wish we could get these idiots on camera saying this kind of stuff. Someone want to sneak a video camera into a convention?

  • abbagail

    Thank you for speaking up to the GB's face, and great report, Joe from Kokomo (loved that song, Beach Boys I think). Unbelievable Heard actually mentioned "silentlambs" at a DC. I had heard previously they would only mention "media reports" being from Satan, etc., but for him to actually NAME "silentlambs"... hmmm... that would indicate they are revving up their defensive tactics among the "flock" to keep them ever so docile and duped.

    I've seen threads here in the past of some great undercover maneuvers you could do at assemblies, such as leaving your own little "tracts" round about the assembly sites, in the bathrooms and/or in the contribution boxes, etc. (about the truth of the abuse accusations, silentlambs, etc.)

    Welcome to the "other world."

  • Buster

    Joe, Welcome to the board!

    I can only guess that you are not long of the org. It is difficult to imagine how one could be exposed to the his 'own new light' via research and thereafter stay committed. You mentioned the '587' year. Can I suggest, if you haven't already, read the thread titled 'Where did the 1914 timeline go wrong?' http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=43480&site=3

    I wish one of my best friends (also Joe) while growing up had seen some 'new light' of his own in time to prevent his little daughter from being molested.

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