Not invited

by dmouse 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    actually this happened to me once, my hubby was invited to a gathereing while the Co was in town. It was small, few people, at someones home. I however, was not invited. I was not inactive, just ill and depressed and would have very much enjoyd the association. I am still surprised my hubby went, but that was a while back when we wer still trying to "fit in" and be a part of the cong. Now , even my hubby only goes to meetings at times, and could care less if they invite him anywhere.

  • heathen

    dmouse- It's the oldest trick in the book , the old divide and conquer .Personally I would have put my foot down and put the wife in her place .She belongs at home with you and the kid not having some other shmuck brain washing them against your headship in the house.I hate the fact that the org. wants to take over your position .I would have had her making me dinner and doing the house work .

  • dmouse
    I would have had her making me dinner and doing the house work

    Actually, I regard the whole 'headship' thing as hopelessly archaic. I believe that a husband and wife should be equal partners.

  • LittleToe

    I'm home alone, tonight, too.
    I just dropped "her indoors" off at her parents.
    I found it ironic that there were several people there (at my in-laws house) but I wasn't invited.

    Their loss...
    Keep the faith, bro

  • riz

    i'm kind of surprised at how many in this thread have mentioned pulling the 'head of the household' move, suggesting to dmouse he could have simply not allowed his wife to go to the elder's house.

    if you were joking or suggesting to dmouse he should beat them at their own game, then what i'm about to say doesn't apply. for those who were not joking, are you guys serious? dmouse should forbid his wife from attending?

    this is 2003. marriage is a partnership. the idea of my husband forbidding me to do something, and since he is a man and i am a weaker vessel i have to comply, is laughable.

    with the concept of marriage being a partnership in mind, if i received an invite and my husband didn't, i would decline the invitation out of common courtesy and loyalty to my spouse.

  • auntiem

    (((((((((((((((((dmouse)))))))))))))))))) It always hurts when mean thoughtless people do things like this. The cong. I used to be associated with in Southern Oregon (LB you know what I mean! ) has a bunch of mean azzholes in it. The members are always quick to take sides when there is any type of marital problem, kid problem or any problem. A really good friend and I used to be the only single sisters with kids in the cong. noone ever invited us over to any gatherings or anything. (even when I was dancing the pioneer polka) So this sister and I and our kids went everywhere together, did all our recreational stuff together and what did the cong. do? Gossiped that we were lesbians. When I remarried things turned around and we started to be invited out but it always felt like we were being scrutinized in one way or another. Where I live now, since 1999 the cong. here is not very warm. My kids and I only had two friends in the whole cong. and when I had a lot of problems they were never around. I was not looking for a hand out from anyone, just someone to give a hug and maybe just validate that I was working hard and things would be ok, but none of that ever happened. Can you imagine what it feels like to only be able to feed your kids top ramen and peanut butter sandwiches......and the elders never do anything to help you, but while you are out in a car group you get to hear two sisters talk about how they went shopping and bought several bags of groceries for a new bible study who had not recieved their welfare that month in a timely way? Lots of hard things and heart aches associated with the b'org. I stoped going in 2000 but attended the memorial for that year and the more. I have had it.

    Oh my gosh! I am so sorry dmouse....I came here to offer a hug and ended up venting...again!!!

    Love to you and Ben!

    aUnTiE M

  • heathen

    dmouse- I think you should check between your legs and see if the package is still there. Riz - If I married a woman who did something against my wishes I would have her things packed and send her off to go live with her elder freind .

    Edited by - heathen on 11 January 2003 18:3:31

  • riz

    are you having a bad day, heathen?

  • simplesally

    They love to divide families.

    And then they say they don't do it.........that Satan divides the family, that the one who left the truth did it to himself. They won't take into account that they don't invite but rather shun. They will sit at that dinner and say "What a shame, if he was coming to the meetings he could be sitting here with us having such a great time discussing the latest WT misinformation"

  • troucul

    "The family that prays together, stays together"---utter bullshit(sorry Simon)

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