Latest Blood Documents from Jan. 2003 TMS

by Jourles 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Jourles

    Sorry to hear about that situation with your dad jws. The more I hear about people's stories and how the org just wrecks their lives over the blood issue, it makes me want to go postal on the org. It makes my resolve even stronger to go against the borg without hiding it any longer.

    I am SERIOUSLY contemplating filling out the DPA form this year, TO SUIT MY OWN PERSONAL CONVICTIONS. And to top it off, I want an elder to sign it for me as a witness. I will draw a line through any verbage which says "I will not accept blood or any of the primary components of blood." I will list out specifically what I will accept. And I can guarantee that it will include ALL of the primary components of blood. Storing of my own blood will also be accepted under any circumstances.

    If an elder asks why I have altered the form, I guess that will be the time for me to come out and express my thoughts. It could very well lead to a judicial hearing, but I am fully prepared to defend the blood issue in all aspects.

    I have always felt that if I were ever df'd, this is the issue it would be over. At least it can be simply and logically presented to any R&F witness as glaringly wrong. I would want all of my friends and family to know that it was the org which punished me for something they themselves cannot defend. Besides, what other doctrine carries a death warrant on human life? No other doctrine can literally kill like blood can.

  • happy man
    happy man

    This blood issu is not so easy, we have our meeting last week about this, I ask the elder why he dont tell about his major components, and that we can take evry singel compponent how is taken out from this 4 major ones,he say this was so complicated, and think peopel have to read themselfs in WT 2000.

    I can say this, i think it is good that Gb done this to a think between you and the lord, perhaps evrything about the blood should be a conciens matter between us and the lord.

    On the other hand, I saw on Sweed television yesterday abot this hepatit C, thing several peopel are going to sue, the state, beaucause they have this decis from bloodtransfusions, and now are waiting to die, they say that a lot of times hospital use this things unessesary, and they have never noen that they hade blood, 900 people only in Sweden have hepatit C, I think that if we count how many how are dead in this using or not using blood, we have a much higer accont hwo is dead beaucause they have blood, aids , hepatit C and othe, it i sems it is very dangerus to have blood today, and why did we never read about that peopel dying beacause of this, but f one die when they not have blood it is a lot of noice, in sweden i think perhaps we have 2 or 3 how die , when they not have blood, but compare this widh hundreds how die beaucause they have blod somthing to think about.

    I myself think that the bibels teching us to not take blod , is wisdom from the lord, the history show that it was much more dangerus than we now before, even today nowan can garante you that you not will have a dangerus sickness, if you take blood, so i think even if i was not Jw i will, not use blood, perhaps we see aligt in the tunnel, when it comes to this blood compotnets from red blood cells, how can use oxigen like the new medecin named hemo pure, so if we look 5 or 10 years ahed, perhaps we can skipp blood transfusions.

    And I think that all this high discusion on this site in this issu is coued of the hate some have to JW, if we look on this issu widh neutral eye, i think we must say this polyci have not ben so bad fore most peopel, sure it have protect some from have bad disises, and even die.

    And it is also my belive that much more people die beaucause they have blood , than beaucause they dont have.

  • zev


    is it possible to scan the actual blood card itself, both sides and post that please?

  • Jourles

    Zev, the newest blood cards are still the same as the old ones. You can go to to see one half of the card.

  • Farkel

    happy man,

    I respect your right to your opinion. That being said and in light of the possibility of catching hepatitus c with a blood transfusion, the real question is, "have more lives been saved with blood transfusions than would have been saved without them?" If even ONE more life was saved, it makes the risk worth it. The alternative in many cases is certain and unneeded death.

    The Bible states that God does not want ANYONE to die. Ten thousand JWs including countless innocent children are now DEAD because the Watchtower Doctrine-Making Corporation has decided that a symbol (a mere freking SYMBOL) of life is more important than the life it represents.

    That is not just bullshit, but utter and pure insanity, enforced by utterly insane religious leaders with at the bare minimum "spiritual death" as punishment.

    To put it another way, it is also MURDER.


  • minimus

    farkel, How come you're always nice to happyman but not to "others"?

  • yrs2long

    Has anyone heard anything about this portion of the meeting being videotaped? I spoke to my brother recently and he assures me that this was done in his congregation as proof of the process of signing being voluntary of something to that effect.

  • blondie

    yrs, that must be his congregation's idea. Was not done in the over 15 congos in my area.

    BTW, the cards are filled out and signed at the book study after the cards are handed out. This is done under the supervision of the conductor to make sure that they are filled out properly, signing is actually seen by those signing as witnesses, and he is supposed to answer any questions.


    Feeling a little jealous, minimus?

    Edited by - Blondie on 12 January 2003 17:5:53

  • yrs2long

    Thanks for responding Blondie. I'm not sure that he was talking about the bookstudy. If I remember him correctly, this was a filming of the talk. It's been so long since I've attended meetings but I thought the talk is usually given at the hall. But of course, I could have heard him incorrectly.

  • blondie

    Yes, yrs, the talk is given at the Service Meeting at the hall. But in the talk, the publishers are instructed not to fill the cards out or sign them until the after the next book study. Then the conductor instructs them as to what to fill in and makes sure the ones acting as witnesses to the signing actually see the person sign the card. It is a little like signing yearbooks at the end of the school year in high school.


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