The Unhospitable Elder

by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    We used to have an elder in our congregation that NEVER invited anyone to his house.He was a real moocher, though. He was always paying a visit to the "friends" around dinner time.He was single and never had a girlfriend. One day a couple of us went to visit him at his apartment, just to see if he would invite us in. He came to the door and told us he was busy. (he was watching TV). We asked if we could use his bathroom because we needed to. He said No! He continued to talk to us through the wooden door. He never let us in.............So what do you think about this guy?

  • auntiem

    Maybe he was busy posting here somewhere?! Or maybe his apartment was a pigsty. Or maybe he was just a jerk......maybe you should call on him and get the low down. Heeheeheee!

    Just Me-

    aUnTiE M

  • minimus

    I used to think he had a dead body in there or even a live girl.

  • Athanasius

    He may have had a lady friend that he didn't want you to know about.

  • cruzanheart
    even a live girl

    Or even an inflatable girl.

  • Gopher

    1 Timothy 3:2

    The overseer should therefore be irreprehensible..... sound in mind, orderly, hospitable.

    Which one of these qualities did this elder show? OH YEAH -- these are qualifications for first century Christian elders, not for Jehovah's Witness elders.... never mind!!

  • Smiles

    What city did this Elder live in at the time?

  • Ed
    He was single ...

    There's your answer. Single guys who live alone in an apartment (and I know because I'm one of them at the moment) never keep the place in presentable condition when they're not expecting any visitors. Especially not the bathroom. If you had given him just ten minutes' warning, it would have been a completely different story.

  • Wolfgirl

    I love reading your threads, minimus.

    There was an elder like that in our hall as well. He lived in our neighbourhood, and he would walk down to our house many times, arriving around dinner time. We were poor enough as it was, but most times, my parents invited him in for dinner. It became a running joke in our house..."Dinner time...where's Bill?"

  • minimus

    Ed, you could have given this guy a month's notice and it wouldn't have mattered.

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