Are You Tough, Or Are You A Baby?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • DFWnonJW

    I am one tough crybaby!

  • SheilaM

    <In my best whining voice> WHHHHHHHHHHY do ya wannna know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

    Really I am a softie I melt at babies and cry at movies but when I'm hurt I usually laugh, it was much safer to laugh when I was growing up than cry. I hold it in for years or months which is not good. But if one of my kids get mushy or my grandbaby does something I bawl all over the place. I also have cried at a lot of the posts on this site so maybe my wall if finally crumbling.


  • Robdar

    I am tough regarding my own circumstances but cry buckets when I see somebody or something being abused or neglected. Child abuse, animal cruelty, poverty, malnourished children, etc, devastates me and I can't help it, I cry.


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