Are you still looking for a meaning to life?

by sleepy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • NaruNaruChan

    <P>I was thinking, and... well... why does everything have to have answers? ; Why should life have just one solid meaning, when life can be about an assortment of things, and that can be it s meaning. ; I always thought, even when I was a witness, that life should be about the experiences we have. ; We experience love, family, friends, places, random acts of stuff... etc... just as well, we experience sadness... grieving, depression, old age, etc.... All these things culminate what life's meaning is... Life, to live. ; ^_^ To be alive. ; What else matters? ; =-) Just a thought.</P> <P> ;</P> <P>Gayle</P>
  • Introspection

    The question of meaning has a sense of separation, that is to say meaning exists in the mind, if it exists at all. If you look at some inanimate object and come up with some meaning for it, it doesn't necessarily tell you about the object, but it does tell you about your own mind.

    When it comes to ourselves it's really rather simple. Instead of thinking of why I'm here as being separate from my existence, we can easily recognize that it's clearly a thought in our own head. Rather than assuming that there's a nice little formula somewhere that can sum it all up, (which there are, but then that will mean different things to different people) from the perspective of what is happening and going on, it's simply one part of the big picture. There's this guy posting on, part of it is the meaning that he is trying to get across, and then there's the words, the reader, the bodies involved and so on. I think if we're going to see things for what they are, we need to take it all into consideration - including but not limited to our thoughts about what it all means.

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