How would you react if......

by Pleasuredome 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome

    the WTS turned out to be right and in the next couple of years the great tribulation broke out?

    would you have a change of heart and think "yeah maybe the were right all along!"?

    would you even consider joining them again? remembering the ark door and all that.....

    Edited by - pleasuredome on 9 January 2003 9:54:29

    Edited by - pleasuredome on 9 January 2003 9:56:18

  • NeonMadman

    Well, if the Great Tribulation actually started as the JW's say it would (with the political nations destroying all religions except for the JW's), it would seem to prove that they were right, so you wouldn't be able to deny it.

    However, there is no reason in scripture to believe that such a thing will happen. The whole teaching as asserted by the JW's is simply a misrepresentation of what the Bible actually says. And the WT is demonstrably a false prophet, according to the scriptural definition.

    So I'm not worried about it at all.

  • Englishman


    No offence meant, but I get the idea that you haven't been out for very long.

    When I first left I went through similar turmoils. The great British drought of '76 got to me, even got the usual "vultures spied in Cornwall" heeby jeebies. Next, some wag at the UN mentioned Peace and Security and I was all a dither again. But it wears off eventually.

    Next time you find yourself thinking about prophetic fulfillments, try looking at this:

    Brilliant, eh?


  • TheOldHippie

    "the great tribulation broke out" - " would you even consider joining them again? "

    (Sorry for the huge letters - they just popped up ...) - It would be too late, then, would it not, old friend?

  • Pleasuredome


    no its not like that..... but its an interesting predicament!

    i can just envision all the JWs being so happy with themselves if it did happen, and all the uniformed inactives and DA/DF'd all trying to make their way in thru the ark door, so to speak. :-)

  • aojumper


    The Great Tribulation or Armageddon, is coming, all Christian or bible based religions wil tell you that.

    It's like saying an earthquake is going to go through Phoenix, all geological signs point to it, we are situated on a major fault, we have evidence of major ancient volcanic activitiy in the region, etc. Someday folks, and earthquake in Phoenix is going to happen, Mark my words.

    But to stop living our lives in expectation, and go around knocking on everyone in the city's doors and say, "an earthquake is coming! an earthquake is coming!" Would be ridiculous.

    Same thing with JW's Armageddon is coming, Duh, but don't give up on life in expectation of it.


    Englishman, That story by Duncan was Hysterical!!! I'm still laughing.

    Edited by - aojumper on 9 January 2003 10:8:58

  • Realist
    The Great Tribulation or Armageddon, is coming, all Christian or bible based religions wil tell you that.

    which certainly doesn't make it true!

  • aojumper

    You're right Realist, I am saying that based on my beliefs. Either way though, I feel the question and illustration are valid.


  • SYN

    Engaging in threads like this is the mental equivalent of engaging in a game of Twister with an amorous elephant. No offense

  • Liberty

    Hi Pleasuredome,

    If on the incrediably slim chance that the WT Society could be right about anything it wouldn't matter to me at all. If any spirit being could really be behind a group of complete idiots like the entire cast from the WT Society's leadership past and present I would rather die at the big "A" than live under such an irrational and unfair being and His chosen earthly leadership. If the the Watch Tower cult is the best Ol'Jehoover can come up with then Satan and his bunch look like the better bet to me. They can slam the "Ark door" on me cause I wouldn't go in for all the eternal life in the Universe if it had to be lived under the leadership of these wackos.

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