why wedding anniversaries and not birthdays?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Has anyone else ever wondered............. why do jws celebrate wedding anniversaries yet never a birthday? This has been on my mind from the beginning of my association with the JWs. As a 'worldly' person, I loved organising parties for my childrens' birthdays. I would spend the day of their birthday remembering the whole miracle of life and I wanted to show them how important their birth was to me. Their life was the most important thing to me as a mother and I just had to celebrate it. Now, when I became a JW I gave the birthday celebrations away, never totally satisfied with the reasons given to me, yet trusting enough to comply. As the years flew by, my children missed many birthday parties, not just their own but also their friends. Each time I was questioned about it I found my answers to them rather pathetic and unsatisfactory. What also made it confusing for this newly converted was the fact that many JWs were having 'present giving days' once a year, the only pre-requisit was that it not coincide with anyones' birthday or worldly celebration. But it seemed to me a substitute for Xmas or birthdays. I also found alot of JW mums would have kids parties, they could have been a birthday party, with lolly bags, lucky dips, games, CAKE (minus the age number candle), and even presents. Now I was really confused! Ah yes, birthdays parties are pagan and were celebrated by non worshippers of Jehovah, and how could we forget the cup-bearer and John the Baptizer, both losing their lives at someone's birthday party. Now please explain........how pagan is a white wedding dress??????? A wedding band??????? The honey-moon???????? The wedding cake, and it's cutting?????????? Yet these things are accepted by JWs are they not???????? And where does it say in the scriptures that weddings are to be celebrated annually? OK, I was taught that God instituted the first marriage and hence we celebrate anniversaries. But didn't god create life? Isn't everlsating life the gift all faithful JWs hope for in the future? Why not celebrate the miracle of life every year, on the day of a person's taking their first breath? Inconsistencies, what, there are more in the WTS org????????? Maybe to some who were raised in the borg, these questions may seem unimportant. But to ones like me, who had these celebrations but had to give them up (not totally convinced), to come into the organisation, the questions are important. Any thoughts on the matter?

    Ta, Bliss

  • greven

    I was raised in the borg and this issue is what first caused me doubt. i was not satisfied with the reasons givin especially not the 'pagan origin argument'. countless acts and especially traditions are riddled with pagan traces. So I started to do research on the reasons given not to celebrate it (if you want this research I can e-mail it to you, mail me at [email protected]). I found a lot of contradicting arguments including one that completely destroyed their own pagan origin argument. After that I started thinking: if in such small details of our faith excist conflicts and absurdities, what of the important doctrines, especially the ones upon which they base their authority. looking into those was like opening a white plastered grave. funny thing is that something small for which I didn`t give a rats' ass started my journey out.

    Hope I can help you with this...


  • mouthy

    Well as a dyed in the wool JW-my answer to that question was-Birthdays were giving praise to people ( lifting them up) but wedding annversaries was differant- I had to WORK at my marriage. If I didnt work at it -it would never had lasted 41+years-I always said it was a threefold cord( God -me-hubby) But I had to put my input to make it work. Where as birthdays I didnt have to do a thing just breath- & that was from God ( breath of life).. I am not a JW now -I tell folks if you marriage is unhappy get out of it ,,....Dont suffer for years being misarable- Jesus said he came to give us abundent life not abundent misery.....

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Greetings Ta,

    You are correct, of course. This and other "inconsistencies" have been discussed before here, but it is always good to review these matters for new ones.

    For one thing the WT book publishing corporation is all about control and being "different." At first glance, reading about John the Baptist being beheaded at a birthday party might concern the casual reader. However, as you have rightly pointed out, taking a hard-line approach to all birthdays is problematic at best.

    Even when I was a JW elder this issue troubled me. I discussed it with others and I found few "honest" JWs who did not see at least some problem with the WT position on birthdays. The WTS is proud to be different and many JWs buy into the idea of being "different than the world." The more isolated the JWs are the easier it is to control them.

    Warm regards, and welcome to the board.


  • minimus


  • LongHauler

    Someone get the boots and a shovel, it's getting deep in here......

  • butalbee

    It's not suppose to make sense, your just supposed to believe, and don't think for yourself.


    Oh Minimus, thanks for reminding me. It's obvious I've been out for a while, forgot the 'ay ay sir' ........... 'yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir'........... 'ask no questions, be told no lies' rules of the mind-controlling borg. LOL.

    Cheers all and thanks for the responses.


  • blondie

    Ours is not to wonder why, ours is just to do or die.

    The Charge of the Light Brigade
    Alfred, Lord Tennyson

    "Forward, the Light Brigade!"
    Was there a man dismay'd?
    Not tho' the soldier knew
    Someone had blunder'd:
    Their's not to make reply,
    Their's not to reason why,
    Their's but to do and die:Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I think Metatron explained this best in another thread when he said this is another example of WTBS making up as they go along. There is little real thought to doctrines anymore. It's all patched together piecemeal with little regard to the impact on people's lives or what the Bible really says.

    You've got a bunch of old farts sitting around in their ivory castle throwing crumbs out to the little people. Logic, reason and compassion play no part in their world.

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