Why do JWs kiss Elder butt?

by Smiles 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pettygrudger
    Because you are married to one?

    Blondie - you KNOW you're not allowed to do that as a JW - that's bordering "immoral" sexual practices isn't it?!!!!

  • Elsewhere

    Why do JWs kiss Elder butt?

    Judging by how much they like to read the Watchtower, I would say they like the taste of crap.

  • Smiles

    onacruse/Craig, email,

    Once again, you are probably right onacruse/Craig. For JW brothers, kissing Elder butt is usually because they are hoping that kissing Elder butt will help get them appointed to some postion themselves.

    onacruse/Craig, email..... what about the JW sisters though? What do they have to gain from kissing Elder butt? They don't really have a ladder of privileges to climb.


    What kind of elder were you? A quiet little slave elder? Or a vocal hot shot elder with many special responsibilies and extra authority? The latter, usually receive most of the butt kissing.

  • pr_capone

    the only reason I did was to be made a servant, just a way to move up the corporate ladder.

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