"Alone I break" if how I feel inside

by Truth2Me 21 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • SloBoy


    Thank-you for sharing your story. When we "talk", it begins to give the power back to us. Many on this site can relate, as is demonstrated by all the thoughtful, loving responses. You mentioned that you came from an abusive family arrangement. Was alcohol involved? If so, you might want to try Al-Anon. They can lay some wonderful tools at your feet and through their experience, help you to end the cycle of doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results. Hang in there, and don't give up before the miracle happens.

  • Truth2Me

    I hear you Harold (Zev), I know that Bob was right when he said it's normal to get depressed after the support group meetings.....I just didn't realize HOW hard it would hit me this time around....last year when I went to the safe support group I didn't feel the same emotions...but I guess I wasn't ready to deal with it then and now I have a safe environment and those around me for encouragment to help me deal. Yes, I will be there on the 18th. I look forward to seeing you and Gwen.

    (To any who wanted to come that asked me, I spoke with Bob & Judy and they said that they're thinking of starting up another support group....so they want you to call them....I'm e-mail you the details and to anyone else that is interested.)

    Thanks you your reply guys, and thank you for your hugs and prayers

    To Sloboy,

    You're welcome, it is a wonderful feeling to get my story out and to feel and read the and know that others are out there that either understand or are caring and praying for me. I really appreciate the support, I did not realize the extent that this forum would help me....but now I am feeling it first hand and it's great.

    Well, yes, my Dad is an alcholic, though he claims he "doesn't have a problem with beer anymore"..but he's basically out of my life, and has been for years, at his own choosing. My mom drank too much and both my parents were into drugs years ago...but now my mom is not into that stuff (accept for cigarettes...which I loath) and I have an okay relationship with her, though we have never been close. I have a book about Alonon....maybe I will look into that. I don't have any kids and have never been married....but I hope that if I ever do marry and have kids that I do not repeat my parents mistakes. Most of the abuse growing up was emotional and verbal....my mom screaming "I hate you and wish you were never born" when I was in third grade....I was a good kid and could not reconcile why they treated me the way they did. I found out my mom had studied with JW's when I was little...maybe things would have been different had she continued....but as many here have proved....that wouldn't have ganranteed anything. In any case, I've been pondering my life, and I'm all about self-inprovement and being a better person, imitating others like Jesus, etc.

    Time to get some sleep....I'm addicted to this forum.....lol....I need a support group for internet addition to internet support groups LOL. Okay, well, maybe not...heehee

    Thanks for you support

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