help for hangovers

by heathen 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Here is a site that might help those who get a little carried away tonight . Have fun

  • Trauma_Hound

    Lot's of water, before you go to bed, and potassium (or eat bananas).

  • Celia

    Mo-de-ra-tion.... that's the secret... Don't drink more than you can handle

  • heathen

    Sometimes people do drink more than they can handle and it does help to know some secretes to help you get thru the rough times .I can tell trauma has already got a plan for the post party mishaps .lol .Moderation is a good idea but holidays like New Years were made for people to go to excess. I would like everyone to have a safe and fun New years .

  • Mary

    Best way to prevent or help a hangover, is to drink a glass of water for each alcoholic drink you have.........and, here's a little somethin' I used to find helped a bit: before you go to bed (or pass out), take a couple of gravol'll help you sleep longer and will also help settle your stomach........

  • DakotaRed

    By far, the easiest way to deal with a hangover is don't get drunk in the first place. If you are going to drink, limit yourself. If you need to get drunk to have a good time, find out why. You an have just as good a time sober, unless you have some problems.

    Lew W (of the spoil sport class )

  • Farkel

    : help for hangovers

    Don't need help if you don't drink.


  • Mum

    Garrison Keillor once said that for people who don't have hangovers, God made March in Minnesota.

    Maybe Gopher or one of our other Minnesota brethren or sistren could explain the meaning of this humorous comparison.

    SandraC of the never-had-a-hangover-or-spent-March-in-Minnesota class

  • wednesday

    The few times i have had a hangover, i found it best to just go ahead and throw up. I hate feeling nauseated, so i'd much rather throw up than feel sick to my stomach.Totally agree drinking lots of water,b/c alochol dehydrates u, and too the water will help your body flush the alochol out faster.

    U play, u pay. Be prepared to suffer unless u can use moderation.

    Not only that, all alochol does now is make me sleepy and stupid.

  • heathen

    Well I made it and still sober .Had a quiet evening watching times sqare listening to all the music they were playing .BTW That rod stewart song just didn't work for me . It seemed like that was one of those swooner songs that maybe Tony Bennett probly would have done a better job with .Ah what can ya say . Hope everyone found their way without any problems . Peace .

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