Good Cop bad cop

by donkey 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donkey

    Introducing God and Satan.

    Do God and Satan work on the same team? Are you shocked at such a suggestion? Well consider this:

    God's friends go to heaven to be rewarded by God. God's enemies go to hell to be punished by Satan.

    Now if Satan was an enemy of God why would he work on behalf of God and punish God's enemies? Why does he make it easy for God?

    Who created hell? Was it God? "OH NO!! It was created by Satan", you say. Well then could Satan close it down? Could he hang up a "No Vacancy" sign? Where would God send all the bad guys then? If on the other hand God created hell then we have a whole different set of problems on our hands don't we? WHY did he do that? was it always his intent to burn people for ever? Was it his intent for Satan to become the bad cop and run his oven for him, roasting his enemies to all eternity?

    I guess it is all in the name of Love (1 John 4:8).

    Jack the Reaper

    Edited by - donkey on 31 December 2002 18:20:53

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Gee thanks.......Now I am going to worry about THAT all night!!!


    So who's the "Good Cop" here and who's the "Bad cop" here? If one creates it and one runs it..sounds like a tossup to me!

  • StinkyPantz


    As a JW this is always how I argued against the existence of Hell.

    I'd like to hear a rebuttal by believers in a Satan-ruled hell.

  • larc

    Well, according to the JWs, Satan and his pals got to live in heaven for thousands of years until relatively recently. I don't think that is fair. Poor Adam and Eve got sentenced to hard labor and died long before Satan who still has awhile to go yet.

  • Francois

    I don't for a moment believe in the traditional stories about Adam, Eve, hell, Satan, Lucifer, or any of that other stuff. Simple stories for the instruction of the simple minds of desert nomadic tribal illliterate savages. We should know better. We should be able to put these pleasing fables into proper perspective and behave like we had some spiritual maturity about us. I submit that an angry god who sends his erring, but ignorant, children to any sort of hell is not exactly reflective of spiritual maturity.

    There IS a truth about how we came to be on this planet. There IS a truth about what happens after death. I don't believe we know what it is. And that's the toughest thing for me about God. Why does he leave us in the dark; fearful children craving life but destined to die, groping for The Light but headed for darkness. Perhaps we aren't really in the dark, but don't realize it. Perhaps the answer is right before our eyes and we can't see it. And perhaps God realizes that we must find the answer all on our own or we'll never grow. We now know all about the dangers of following a man-made organization. We are expert at identifying a cult. We know that religion is a socialization of the spiritual urge and little else. Being with the JWs wasn't a total waste. But those lessons are easier learned elsewhere. Just musing as next year brings another birthday and I close in on the last third of my time here. Tends to make a man philosophical.

    I wonder what could be next?

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Thats why it is a myth. We create our own Hell or Heaven here on earth.


  • Yizuman
    As a JW this is always how I argued against the existence of Hell.

    I'd like to hear a rebuttal by believers in a Satan-ruled hell.

    Hell was created by God as much as Satan was created by God. Hell was not originally intended for man, because scripture says...

    Matthew 25:41
    "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
    (Whole Chapter: Matthew 25 In context: Matthew 25:40-42)

    Note he never said it was prepared for man. For the bible says it is not God's will that man should perish, but have everlasting life. But man has a will of his own and he decides where he wants to go.

    Man has a choice whether or not they want to go with the devil and his angels.

    Man has 2 choices, heaven or hell. It's all up to the individual where he/she wants to go to spend eternity at. God can't make you go to heaven, although he would like for you to be there since each and every one of you are very important to Him.

    God is not pointing a gun on your head and saying, "Worship me or I'll blow your brains out!", no, if you studied what worship meant in the spiritual definition rather than man's sense of definition, "worship" means fellowship/friendship. God wants to be your friend and wants to have fellowship with you. That's what God means on worship. Not what man thinks what worship means.

    That's where Jesus comes in, he came to bridge the gap between God and man and to restore the fellowship between God and man and to save us from ourselves (i.e. sin).

    We're in the flesh folks, it's hard to understand God's will and the things that is spiritual while in the flesh.

    Philippians 2:6
    Who, being in very nature[ 2:6 Or in the form of] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
    (Whole Chapter: Philippians 2 In context: Philippians 2:5-7)

    God is a hard dude to understand and it's natural for man to question God and His motives. We don't understand it, but we should trust in Him just as Job trusted God regardless of what happened to Him. He never once raised his fist against the face of God and cried out, "Why????".

    Now people are getting the wrong idea that hell is ruled by Satan, in fact Satan is never mentioned in scripture as the owner of hell. Satan fears hell and so does his followers (the fallen angels). They don't want to be near it.

    Plus hell is a prison, it is not the same as the lake of fire. That's 2 seperate places.

    2 Peter 2:4
    For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell,[ 2:4 Greek Tartarus] putting them into gloomy dungeons[ 2:4 Some manuscripts into chains of darkness] to be held for judgment;
    (Whole Chapter: 2 Peter 2 In context: 2 Peter 2:3-5)

    Hell is a jailhouse, just like if you killed someone, you're stuffed in the slammer awaiting trial.

    Hell is also called Hades, contrary to the WT calling Hades "a grave", both Hell and Hades are the same thing.... after judgement day when all is let out of jail to stand before God on judgement day to be judge accordenly to what each individual has done (and you can bet the men of the GB as well as C.T. Russell will be there), when all is done and the jailhouse is empty, God will then proceed to...

    Revelation 20:14
    Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
    (Whole Chapter: Revelation 20 In context: Revelation 20:13-15)

    It's over. There will be no need of a jailhouse ever again.


  • tyydyy

    God is not pointing a gun on your head and saying, "Worship me or I'll blow your brains out!",

    No. He's saying "Worship me or I'll keep you in excruciating pain forever!" It's funny that people say how compasionate and merciful God is and then they believe that He will punish someone forever for a few years of not worshiping him. No government in this wicked world will stoop to that. Well.........Hitler tried.

    Also as far as what "worship" means.................. Look it up in the dictionary. If it meant fellowship then the translators should have used the word fellowship.


  • whyhideit

    Here is something to think about. If all things exist because God created them. Answer this, "who created evil?" If you say Satan, then you are saying that Satan is as powerful as God, in that he has the power to create. Thus equal to, and perhaps the same person as God.

  • Happy
    We don't understand it, but we should trust in Him just as Job trusted God regardless of what happened to Him. He never once raised his fist against the face of God and cried out, "Why????".


    This is something I could never accept. If we are unable to understand God, then why should we put total faith in him? How can we be expected to blindly put faith in God when we don't understand him? It's such a stab in the dark that its pointless to try and pick from one of the hundreds of religion in existence. If God exists, he should judge people by what is in their hearts and minds, not how closely they follow some man-made religion.

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