I was Just Wonderin..............

by Country Girl 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I have lots of animals on my farm. I have two parrots, three horses, two cats, 4 chickens, 5 guineas, and lots of fish. I don't have a dog... <sadly> I was wonderin what your favorite pet was? My favorites have to be the birds, because they talk and I LOVE to hear them talk. They just comment on everything that is going on in the house. What is your favorite animal.. and what is your favorite pet, and why?

    Country Girl

  • Matty

    Whoa Country Girl, it's a wonder you have any time to post with all those animals! I love cats myself, and I love dogs too.

    I like animals that are inteligent and return the love you give them - at the very least they should know who you are! For that reason I'm not too keen on guinea's - they have all the inteligence and character of a furry little cabbage in my opinion - *ducks flames*

  • Aztec

    I really like penguins alot but they won't let me have one as a pet. I don't have any pets. My landlord won't let us or we would have a cat for sure.


  • asortafairytale

    Country Girl~

    What kind of parrots do you have? My ex had a cockatoo, and a quaker, and her parents owned an aviary w/ tons of blue and golds and red and greens. Very interesting. It is fun to listen to them talk...they sound so throaty.

    As for me, I have a degus gerbil, 8 fish, and 2 dogs. I love them all so much!


  • Mac


    Well, it's gotta be..................................

    Sea Monkeys!!!!!!!!!


  • SheilaM

    CountryGrl:My favorite animal (besides my hubby)Is the black panther but alas, there against city ordinance LOL

    We have had a plethora of animals for years. We recently lost one of our favorites to an unknown ailment our tortoise Brisby, he and our Iguana Puglsley were the best of buddies and the damn Iguana mourned for months thought we were gonna lose him too.

    Besides Pugsley we have three Maine Coon cats: Jaguar, Wolverine and Whisper Jag is around 27 pounds.

    We have three dogs an 11 year old Keeshound Enterprise, A Cairn Terrier named Moxie on good days and Bezlbub and satan incarnate on bad days LOL She is a brindle like Toto in the Wizard of Oz (should have been named Kill Toto LOL<jus jokin folks>and the puppy is 17months a Golden Retriever aka HORSE Czar Niccoli who we call Nic and my hubby calls short bus LOLOh

    thunderrider has a snake CC (candy Corn) that I don't claim <YUCCCKKKKKKK>it is a albino corn snake yellow and orange hence the name.

    PS love birds use to raise cockatiels, had a Quaker LOVED it and now thinking of love birds or another Quaker

    Edited by - SheilaM on 30 December 2002 14:10:36

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Wow.. lots of animal lovers here, I see!

    Actually, the guineas are pretty funny. They get on the roof in the morning <tin roof> and love to slide down it and fall off the house. Instead of raining men, it's raining guineas.. although I'd much prefer it to rain men. <gets out umbrella> They follow me around the yard and up the street, they're actually pretty funny, but ugly.. hehheh.

    I have an african gray and a blue headed conure <like the bird that was in the movie "Paulie">

    What is a Degus Gerbil? Corn snake? Those are very pretty.. but I take it you don't like em much.. heheheh. Sea Monkeys, Mac? Are those the kind that you see in the back of comic books with the bow ties, glasses and hairdos?

    Country Girl

  • Elsewhere

    I'm a cat person... have two lovable mangy flea-bags.

    Saw a funny t-shirt the other day:

    PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.

  • Mac


    Those are the ones! Ordered a kit once and I have to tell you.......the water messes up their Do, the ties are too tiny to knot, and as for the glasses-----Phttt....they don't even have ears!

    mac, of the I won't be fooled again class

    P.S. Looks like yer getting the hang of this fluff concept

    Edited by - mac on 30 December 2002 14:30:19

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Guess the water prevents them from fluffin up their dos... hehehhe. I ordered those dumb sea monkeys when I was seven years old and was quite disappointed that they didn't have little faces that smiled and eyes that winked. But their food was pretty tasty.. like peanut butter.. or so my brother said. He loves things in brine now, grin. He's a shrimp. Musta been the sea monkey food.. heheh.


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