by nightwarrior 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nightwarrior


    All the posts i have read and digested from the board leave myself feeling perplexed,moved with pity and still wanting something more ,both myself and wife are hungry people as regards the truth,i recall that the ancient cristians used to hide away from the roman army within the catcoombs , they sought safety security & solace ,i feel that this site has given evryone the same provision,as the early christians had, yet some just brouse the experiences within , and move on without contributing therfore most of the commited people here still leave ourselves exposed as we willingly post our experiences on the board ,looking into the heart and soul of your fellow man is indeed a privelage,given the freedom by the person posting,

    There still seems to be something missing within some postings, initialy you want revenge for all the hurt and harm one suffers at the hands of the borg ,then you feel the need to search for truth ,as the internet opens up different ways for the truth to be revealed,which opens up more discussions and thoughts ,to everyone

    My main point in life now is to know that i am not lost, that i dont need man to direct myself to god ,the only thing i need to keep in front of myself is that ,if armageddon does come it doesnot really matter,due to the fact that,i have come to the knowledge of freedom that no matter what i do ime still going to die wether i do much or little,the truth will be revealed either at my death or perhapps later ,you cant buy gods favour,most people want to be saved or be part of the great crowd,me ime happy just living for to/day, what transpires from here who knows,

    when people claim to want to be part of the great crowd living on earth ,what there saying is that they do not want to be in the presence of god,i feel that is wrong as taught by the borg

    would you not rather want to be in the presence of god (,,,just a thought } if you want god in your life

    , what have you done in your life to gain gods favour,man has messed around with the scriptures so much that whatever the decision we make for whatever the reason no matter how much hurt youve experienced or family members lost on account of any religion then god knows your needs and thoughts and desires,there is nothing you can give him /or her that he wants except to exercise exclusive devotion to him ,


    JESUS , SAYS YOU MUST lOVE GOD Manifest love to your fellow man , (BECOME THE BAD )SAMARITAN IS THAT RIGHT

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    I think most feel as you do. We know we do not need an Org to be close to God or His Son. Thats why we are here.

    As for those who lurk and dont post they are just not ready yet. Thats all.

    We did not leave an ordinary Religion. My "Worldly Family "used to say my Religion was like a part time job. Sometimes I spent even more hours then that. For me it was like a Marriage. So just like when one divorces and adulteress mate we will all go through stages. Maybe for a while be reclusive, then want revenge..find we cant have that so maybe go through a time period of hate and mistrust of other Religions. Etc...etc. This is how it goes.

    I have not become angry really. Isnt that odd? Youd think I would.

    Still NW, all people are different. Your zeal to find The Truth out there somewhere is courageous.

    Still do not expect us all to be as you are.

    One lesson from being a JW that I find good is putting up with others. That was Truth.

    No matter where I am, the store, library, community picnic, or an on-line Forum. I have to be tolerant of others around me.

    All you can do NW is move forward and hope others follow, but all you can do is hope for them. You cant expect them to actually do it.

    Besides, now you are a Free Christian and so is everyone else. You can do as you believe and others as they believe.

    That is the beauty of it.

    Grace saves us.

    Hope all is well with you friend.



    For the Misses......

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 31 December 2002 2:42:59

  • nightwarrior

    Thanks for the ecouragment (utopian raindrops)

    yes your right,

    allso checked out your mailings to the board, which i consider vey honest &enlightning, the best thing i think we can all give each other at this moment is encouragemnt which we thank you for ,

    why the name u/raindrops does it mean anything significant ?


  • AnotherEscapee

    Hi Nightwarrior

    I know where you're coming from, when you've been in 'the truth' for so long some things are burnt into our brains and hearts. But where do we go from here? Like you I'm new to this, but I'm real glad I found this site. Already, I've lost my fear of armageddon and I've spent my time researching doctrines and the results have made me feel even safer. Right now I'm reading a book which I hope might help in my rescue attempt of my kids but I think its time that will make the difference. It looks to me that WT are cutting their own throats. Like you the elders are after me, but that's probably because I'm still married to one but not living with him and they can't have a woman with a voice and knowledge on the loose.

    Can I email you?

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Hi nightwarrior,

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I was bit under the weather so I wasnt on line too much.

    Plato inspired my nick and Utopia is an idealistic Paradise Society.

    Since that seems out of reach at this time Id say we all could now and again use a little Utopian_Rain_shower in our lives. Raindrops sounded better then shower so.wha-la! The birth of my new Alter ego.

    Im glad my post could help you in anyway and I hope you are feeling much better.

    Flowers for you my friend

    And kisses to the misses..



  • nightwarrior

    Hi there utopian thunder storm ,

    yes i understand the way you are coming over seems like sense & sensitivity,very nice

    we,ll look out for you postings

    hope your feeling well ,you did say that you were feeling under the weather didnot you ,with a name like that i would have thought that you would be controling the weather and not being under it ( joke

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