How do you see God?

by JH 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kes152

    Dearest JH,

    There was an occasion that the Son came to me and said to me, "Cleanse yourself before the Holy One of Israel." I was not entirely certain of what he meant when he said that, but I kept hearing that I was 'unclean' inside. So I went to him in prayer and asked him to "cleanse my hands and purify my heart." (James 4:8) Revealed my 'sin' to me and I repented of those sins and did my best to do what was good in his eyes (although contrary to the WTBTS).

    Not many days later the Son came to me again and said, "Prostrate yourself before the Holy One of Israel.." I heard the voice and did as it told me. When I looked up, I saw a 'man' who was dressed in white robes standing before someone sitting on a throne. When I was there, I marveled. It was so awesome that in their realm, where they live, there is just so much 'truth' and so much love there. I felt unworthy just by being there. They are so forgiving and so patient and they know EVERYTHING even before you know it. They love everyone and they are always, always willing to forgive anyone for anything. They do not like it when people love to do bad things. They hate it because it is evil.

    When I saw him, I saw the love that was in them and I marveled that they knew many people believed "there is no God" yet here he is sitting on his throne and keeping them alive. He knows of the day that is coming when ALL creation will behold him and all 'doubt' will be removed. He is nothing like the WTBTS and "Christianity" has portrayed him. All he wants is for us to love one another and do good to all our neighbors whether they hate us or love us.

    They love 'truth' and when anyone comes in their midst, they should have nothing but the truth about themselves in their heart. Whether it is good or bad, as long as it is the truth and honest.. they love it. They are my friends and they talk to me as a man speaks to a man... plainly. They talk all the time and they know all things. Whenever I had a question, before I could get the question out, they already answered it. They saved me many times from imposters who claimed to be 'anointed' but where misleading many. Their love is not like our love, in fact our love is selfish compared to their love. For this reason I hold them in high esteem no matter how many call or accuse him "otherwise." They are my friends and all they want to do is give everlasting life to anyone asking, anyone seeking, anyone wishing, anyone knocking.

    Peace to you,


  • SwedishChef

    Psalms 106:48 "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD."

    This God, the one true God of the Bible, is my God.

    The God who formed the earth and the heavens, the God who made himself manifest in the flesh, died for sinners such as you and I, and rose again.

    Revelation 19:16 "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

  • donkey

    With a seeing eye donkey

  • pr_capone

    I see God as someone who created us long ago but has since forgotten about us. Kind of like a kid with a new toy, with time he got bored with us and wandered off to find something else to do.

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