What does God prefer?

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    What is the difference between a spiritual person and a good person? Can a person be good without being spiritual? Who does God prefer, a spiritual person who talks alot, or a good kind person who helps his neighbor and knows little about the bible and God? I know many witnesses who say that they are spiritual, but I don't see them as kind and generous.

    Edited by - JH on 27 December 2002 12:19:30

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    One of the fruits of God's Spirit is 'goodness'. Now, where does spirituality fit in?

    Guest 77

  • Inkie

    Doesn't your question depend on how you define those two terms? Good? Jesus is recorded to have said that no one is good except God. (But most of us understand what you mean by 'good' when you use the word 'good.) A poster here says that 'goodness' is one of the fruits of the spirit--true. However, doesn't that imply that the actual word 'goodness' REQUIRES action, which is preceded by thoughts toward and comtemplating that action. Depending upon the translation you read, the word 'spiritual' is rare in the Bible. But like I said, it is found in some English translations. don't think the Master ever used the word though. At least, I don't think he is recorded to have used it. We KNOW God and Christ want 'goodness' emanating from us. And isn't one (spiritual) dependent upon the other (good)? And vice versa? How do you have one without the other. On the other hand, you can have a person seemingly appearing 'spiritual' but who in fact does no goodness or does some goodness TO BE SEEN BY MEN, as Jesus is stated to have said. They are getting their reward if full--yes?

    Just my thoughts in response to your post.


  • JH

    Many witnesses go to their meetings and go from door to door teaching the bible, but when it comes to helping hungry poor people, many give nothing and just read the bible saying that in the new system no more poverty will exist. That's no relief for the poor and hungry. So spirituality is not goodness in many cases. Going door to door is spiritual to them, but it doesn't help the poor.

  • Inkie

    JH, I agree with you. And so does James the writer of the book/letter of James in the New Testament. James plainly states exactly what you have stated here. Those kinds of people are not 'spiritual' in the true sense of the word. 'Spirituality' MUST HAVE practicality. James says so. Christ says so. God says so. Without practicality it is not true 'spirituality.' Some people pick and choose what they will do as far as 'goodness' is concerned. Much like going door-to-door (which is a good thing, although misguided), but not helping somebody who is hungry. JH, I couldn't agree with you more.


  • Elsewhere

    It is possible to be spiritual without believing in the supernatural or deities.


    --- Of the Spiritual Atheist Class ---

  • Inkie

    Is is not possible to do goodness from a place of trueness in one's heart? Yes, it is. And Paul himself wrote that 'when people of the nations do by nature the things of the law,' they are in fact doing what the Deity desires to be done, whether "they" recognize the Deity or not. The answer to your question is--Yes.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    I'm with Elsewhere

  • Inkie

    Frankly, I would much rather fraternize with and live among, be friends with, atheist(s) who are kind, loving, respectful, etc., than to live among those who claim to be 'spiritual' and believers in God and who are not kind, loving, respectful, etc.


  • JH


    I'm sure that the witnesses do think that they are spiritual and also very generous, because they take their time going from door to door. Now that's love ! Telling people they will die if the don't come and join the WT.

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