J.W's and Divorce

by meadow77 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman
    Disfellowshipping is not an attack on marriage! The marriage is "attacked" by the unfaithful partner who commited fornication and got difellowshipped and therefore freed their spouse which is the ONLY grounds for divorce in jehovah's eyes!

    I guess that my marriage was "attacked" by my ex-wife, who was and is an active JW. She divorced me because I wasn't a good JW and didn't believe the doctrines anymore. She sought, and received, permission from the elders to divorce me, based upon the fact that she had committed adultery. Of course, she wasn't disfellowshipped, and neither was I. Nonetheless, I left the organization because of all the lies and hypocrisy I saw there. So much for your little fantasy that the guilty party must be the non-JW!

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