JW schoolteacher order to put up XMas tree

by blondie 34 Replies latest social current

  • Redneck

    I believe you have excellent point Rocketman

    One question however that comes up in my mind is - who's classroom is it, really? This is not her home - it's a school classroom, and while she has a say in what goes on in the classroom, she is not the final authority as to what is to be done in that room. The school board, and the state, have authority over her.

    Thank you IW,

    I differ in the opinion that you say

    At times it can be classified as a wrong other times it is comes under the classification of integrity.

    An employee doesn't dictate to his employer what he or she is going to do or not do..She could have possiably even talk the art teacher into doing the board for her...who knows..seeing only one side I Think there was alot of diff ways she could have settled this without underminding her employer..

    And then to hide behind this is America just burns my bottem..I mean comeon you dont respect the country but it is ok that you use it as a defense..

    Edited by - Redneck on 24 December 2002 16:18:41 looks like I shoulda learned how to spell

    Edited by - Redneck on 24 December 2002 16:19:51

  • JT

    This is what i would call a DumbA$$ Principal- you got kids who can't read, write or they spell like I do, and he makes headlines for what- a teacher he caught selling dope, having sex with the kids- nope

    instead we have a teacher who falls on her religious freedom not to do certain things, while it can be argued who is right and who is wrong, one fact remains-

    as soon as a "Johnny Cochran" get a whif of this case we will have another school bd speading 10,s of 1000s of tax payers dollars in some lawsuit-

    instead letting THIS ONE RIDE he made an issue out of what most tax paying parents in the school system will find is a waste of school funds-

    it is so sad that so many folks don't know how to pick thier battles- while johnny is working probona- the school will be paying out the Ying and Yang just in legal fees ,time and resources

    how sad

  • JT
    An employee doesn't dictate to his employer what he or she is going to do or not do..She could have possiably even talk the art teacher into doing the board for her...who knows..seeing only one side I Think there was alot of diff ways she could have settled this without underminding her employer..

    while it is true the jw could have asked another teacher i was thinking more along the lines of the principal could have done it so as to avoid the possible legal ramifications that the whole school district is now facting if this jw goes to court - if i where a parent across town i would be pissed to know that the principal couldn't setttle this without my kids now having to pay for something that didn't even happen at thier school

  • bluesapphire

    JT, I totally agree with you. I work for a school district myself and I know for a fact that my principal would be fired for doing this. The Board would give a public apology and grin and bear it.

    I agree that the JW is dead wrong in this instance and she could have found a more "seasoned" approach. But that doesn't negate that this is probably the most profitable mistake she ever made.

    The principal at my school would have bit her lip, complained about it to me in private, but given the teacher an alternative. That would have been the way to go. Why give the JWs more of a persecution complex. I can just see the Afake article in the future.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    This is pretty weird given that some school systems across the country are now forbidding any involvement with Christmas at all. Teachers aren't even allowed to mention Christmas.

  • ronin1

    I live in Queens, New York.

    The young people in New York City are resilient. They believe what they want to believe-even 5 yr olds.

    I feel this school teacher made a "mountain out of a molehill". Her allowing the students to draw and display holiday art would in no way take away from her religious beliefs.

    If a person is sincere and really strong in their beliefs, no matter what anyone else says or does can change that.

    She is an employee of the Board of Education. If the principal wanted that display board done, the teacher should have complied.

    This teacher either has faith in her religious beliefs or she doesn't.


  • IslandWoman

    Hi Redneck,

    An employee doesn't dictate to his employer what he or she is going to do or not do..She could have possiably even talk the art teacher into doing the board for her...who knows..seeing only one side I Think there was alot of diff ways she could have settled this without underminding her employer..

    It's hard to make a judgement on this particular case because we have so little information. We really don't know what the teacher tried to do or for that matter what her relationship has been with her principal in the past, so we are left to discuss only the principles involved.

    I feel this way: the primary purpose of the school is to teach the curriculum assigned to them, the teacher is hired to implement that curriculum. The question could be asked: is the display of religious symbols and traditions of some of the religions in this country a part of that curriculum? The official curriculum of the school should include the teaching of making Christmas trees etc. for the school to legally require a teacher to make and thereby teach such. imo.

    The big "ifs" in this particular case will be what each of the participants did or said during this affair, but if the teacher kept her cool and acted in a professional manner I believe she has a good case.

    Public schools are not religious schools and public school teachers are not hired to teach religion.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    I see a lot here looking at this all wrong... it is the kids who have had their civil rights stepped on i see a civil rights case here...screw the teacher the principal is right . i know when i went to school we all put our drawings on the wall.... i can here the kids crying to their parents that all the other classes have their tree and drawings up BUT NOT OUR CLASS , MS. ADDIO TOLD US SANTA IS ALL BULL. ETC. who is she a ZOMBIE BITCH...TO TELL THE KIDS WHAT TO THINK...this is a big civil rights case... she should lose her job as she is mentally unstable, if the people here don't see the ramacations of this .then i feel sorry for you.... trust me this will be a hot topic in the courts... and i already know who will lose..... john

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    "This is America"

    Can you imagine if she were made to tell the whole truth of what actually goes in her head - to the kiddies parents - she'd be sacked on the spot.

    "This is America, and it's what I expect to be given and sustained with by you evil people, who are not holy like us - it doesn't matter because when it comes down to it you're all pagan anyway, and god's going to destroy you all really soon when the world ends and birds will eat your bodies and pluck your eyes out anyway, hysssss, and then you'll see who's smart and who's stupid - you're really gonna get it.

    How jws pass themselves off as being mentally stable enough to teach children is certainly a testimony to their skill of deception.


  • 144thousand_and_one


    Exposing children to Christmas trees, menorahs and the Muslim crescent and star is just as offensive to many atheists as this JW teacher's conduct is to many others. The main issue is neutrality, if all symbols of religious faith are presented in a display, the display is not neutral as it doesn't include a symbol representing the views of atheists. Maybe a Darwin fish?

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