i feel sick

by nelly1 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly1

    i just went to the supermarket and came face to face with an elders wife coming out of the store,

    i was polite and said hello as im just a fader as they refer to it on this board, but Im not kidding youd think she had just met hitler... she gave me the oh my god not her look and looked at me like i was a pile of dog shit!!!! smelly dog shit at that.

    that is how she reacted to me, i left those meetings cuz of how they treated me and the lies hypocrisy lack of love on and on but being reacted to like that hurts and makes me so angry...

    how the heck do you deal with it, it really affects me so much....

    its realy hurtful oh well i need to realise shes not important in my life so what she thinks dont matter squatt. hard tho isnt it?

  • Gopher

    Yeah, Nelly it can be hard. You WANT people to act with common decency and kindness, you're not asking them to slobber all over you with kisses or anything like that!!

    One way to get past it is to know it is THEIR LOSS that they treat good people like you this way. Most people don't even know why they're shunning you, they're just following orders from an anonymous committee. They're so caught up in their silly system, it really makes you feel sorry for THEM.

  • nelly1

    thank you gopher its people like u who help me to cope



  • StinkyPantz

    So did she at least say hello back?

  • LyinEyes

    Oh so sorry Nelly,,,,,,,,,,, it always hurts to be snubbed.

    I saw a young MS servant from our old hall today and i looked at him and smiled and he nodded back but didnt speak, I knew he wanted to but couldnt his wife was with him and she is just a snot anyway. But he smiled. That meant alot, not because i care about JW crap and their rules, but because I miss this young man, i watched him grow up and hugged him as he cried when they lost their baby to a miscarrige. I know he is only doing what he is taught to do. But still sad.

    Ihave had others who gave the royal snub off, too,,,,,,,,, they really piss me off now. I don't get my feelings hurt anymore over those, I just want to make a scene now,,,,,,,like say hey Bertha wha't going on, how ya been,,,,,,,,, and just stand there, and watch people around them look at her like she is a rude b#$#ch. I know ,,,,,,,,little evil revenge things , but it helps.

    You got us Nelly,,,,,,,,,, so to heck with them all......... but I still feel your pain. hugs, Dede

  • nelly1

    yeah she did but it was like oh my god not her and gritted her teeth and said hello but u know the body language was ohh my god its that thing and an ugh look on her face :(

    awww thank you so much dede u r such a help u guys are great makes me feel so much better huggss to you love you lots :)

  • DakotaRed

    Nelly, this is a good example of the lack of love within the JWs. Jesus preached a lot about love and the JWs just do not show it, or have it. That was the main point in my own DA letter.

    There's not much you can do about this misguided policy of theirs but just see them for what they are and feel glad you are not a part of that. It hurts, but when you see them as the cold hearted unloving people they tend to be, you feel sorry for them. Jesus and God read hearts and also taught that each would be judged as they had judged. They are so blinded by devotion to a printing company, they fail to see their own failings.

    Along with love, Jesus spoke of forgiveness, not once, but 77 times. Even the Watchtower says that means no end to the number of times you forgive. Yet, they DF and announce DA's left and right. Hypocrits!

    Be glad you are not so blind as they. You no longer need their conditional love. You now have a large worldwide family that loves you unconditionally, right here. Feel sorry for them, Nelly, their cold hearts are what will be read in due time.

    Lew W

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    My way to handle it would be one of the following:

    1. Leap towards the nearest pile of tins or vegetables and take cover.

    2. Greet the brother or sister with the warmest smile you can muster and go for the hand shake. Then say "hope you and the family are well" .... lurve them big style.

    3. Go for the snub first. Look away and direct yourself and your thoughts to a local item of interest. The magazine rack is always a good place to ignore somebody.

    A difficult one. There is no easy way initially. After a while and practise it becomes easier, like many things in life.

  • Roddy

    >>But he smiled. That meant alot, not because i care about JW crap and their rules, but because I miss this young man, i watched him grow up and hugged him as he cried when they lost their baby to a miscarrige. I know he is only doing what he is taught to do. But still sad.<<

    It's the Borg programming. But it's nice to know that there are some with some humanity left in a few of them and it ventured, even fearfully, to acknowledge it in kindness to a grateful memory.

    Keep fighting evil with good.

  • NoMoreJW

    and if all else fails try saying in a loud voice so that everyone who saw what happened can hear "Oh I take it youre still a Jehovahs witness then?!".

    Happy Xmas everyone :)


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