Do You Remember When...?

by OrbitingTheSun 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well for my was all the referred links. I loved them! I couldn't get enough of them. It showed me the reasons that I felt the WTBTS and JW's were so wrong in their teachings.It was so good to have some concrete facts to back up my doubts about the organization! I was like a sponge soaking up water!.

    It all happened all of a sudden. We got a computer and my non JW daughter E Mailed me an address to a XJW site. I have been reading and posting ever since. (Almost 2 years).

    I dont think I will continue to come here later. Hubby has terminal cancer and I will have no other contact with his JW love lost...

    I want to try and forget all the pain and problems their religon has created in my life!..

    They got me when I was young and vulnerable!..But it's going to be time to move on! I am older and wiser now.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    Awww...thanks, Dede!

    I think my favorite change has been recovering my individuality.

  • Prisca

    When I first joined this site, there was only a hundred or so members. It was rather quiet, with only one page of new posts per day. And half of those were "hello, how are you" type posts, lol.

    This site has helped me grow and progress in my spiritual journey out of the WTS.

    I've also made some very good friends, who understand me and love me for who I am.

  • ozziepost

    This site has helped me grow and progress in my spiritual journey out of the WTS.

    I've also made some very good friends, who understand me and love me for who I am.

    And that's what this is all about, isn't it? We always learned, or taught, "bad associations spoil useful habits", as though THIS place was bad association. The reality is that the bad associations may well have been in Borgsville, for they certainly produced "spoiling habits".

    How the WTS must be hating this site! No wonder there's a campaign on by them to "clear out" the "inactives"!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • jwsons

    I joined since it belongs to Big Ray (off-course in other name). I still remmber that time Simon is a very pro-WTS administrator [ I still have a saved copy of a post, in which he erased post from someone just because that person not on WTS side (if he still be like those days, I'm sure he should erase a lot of his own post we can see today).. ] That's I can see in others changes. For myself, I feel more comfortable now in this forum (before, I always scared of someone will report me to the Society, I quit the Borg now anyhow). I can see people nice and co-operate with Simon almost in every aspects ( I still sorry about the Dungbeetle case, she's very good IMO, I remember when I have a problem to record MNBC SilentLambs first showed in US, she sent me the CD record it all, together w/ tape and all documents about it straight away by her own pocket shipping fee. Publicly appreciate you again Dungbeetle).

    And with this trend, I hope more and more active JWs will join us.

    Thx all


    Edited by - jwsons on 27 December 2002 19:18:15

  • animal

    Being the oddball here... having been out for 30 years.... I dont know about many changes in me, but rather a better grasp on the fact that I wasn't the only one confused.

    I was always told, and believed, that I was unique, a bad kid, a black sheep. Now, after being here for 8 months or so, I see that many of us "out" have had the same problems but at different levels.

    I made some good friends here too... thats the best part.


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