I have a question about Jesus :)

by Rockmangames 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    There is a theory that one of Jesus disciples was in fact his hairdresser and should not have been called Mark, but Marc. This is contained in the newly discovered Dead Sea Scroll entitled "Permin' On The Mount."


  • Happy

    hahaha, how very funny

  • Adonai438

    Dear Rockman;

    Welcome to this forum!

    May I make a suggestion? Please evaluate absolutely everything - and read the Bible for yourself without the Watchtowers ideas telling you what it should say first.

    This forum is made up of many types of people- some who have been hurt very badly by the JWs. I don't consider myself hurt but do know more about them than the average Jw does and know that they do not follow the true God of the Bible. I love Yahweh very much and would love to talk more with you if you are willing- your email is blocked- I understand ;) - but if you would email me privately I will definitely respond.

    I studdied with them too and when it comes down to comparing them to the Bible- they do not stand up to that test of truth. Their arguments sound good- well thought out, but they are not what they seem when you take scripture as your sole authority.

    You sound like a sincere person and I hope and pray that you truly LOVE GOD and care about truth. If you do- please write to me- I will only write as long as you want me too- I will not badger but I would like to talk and maybe offer you some information to consider-

    My only Goal is truth and the love of Yahweh, I have no other motive.

    Thanks for reading :)

    Angie <><

    PS: you mentioned Christmas? No holiday is neccessary to be a Christian- its only acceptance of Jesus. But holidays celebrate God's works-- the Old Testament & New Testament are full of them. It need not be commanded to be celebrated when the motives of the people are right--> Hannukah is not commanded anywhere in the bible but yet Jesusc himself celebrated it in the NT. We are commanded to praise God at all times and to remember his works in our lives- holidays commemorate big things God has done and we recognize the smaller things in our lives often- anniversaries, birthdays-(which, incidentally are not pagan either)etc... I would be more than happy to document anything and share proof of the misunderstanding of holidays JWs have.

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