I just met a Psycho With My Name

by Farkel 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Warning! This thread contains some wery, wery, bad vords. Those of you with faint hearts should just go out in a field and die and not read this crap. It would be better for you and it would prove that you have crappy hearts. And that is it about that.

    Let the fearless folks read on:

    I spent a little time in chat talking with the only other character there. Unfortunately, his name was "Farkel" and boy, is he an idiot. I captured the whole exchange:

    03:20:54> Farkel has joined the chat
    03:21:24> Farkel: Kewl! I have chat ALL to myself. I can talk to myself and don't have to worry about anything!
    03:21:39> Farkel: Farkel: so how ARE ya, Fark?
    03:21:54> Farkel: Farkel: Pretty good. How are YOU Fark?
    03:22:22> Farkel: Farkel: Not bad. How's your life going these days?
    03:23:10> Farkel: Farkel: Much better. Thank you for asking, Farkel. BTW, do you ever actually get LAID, you Dip*****?
    03:23:29> Farkel: Farkel: None of your ******** business, you intrusive twit!
    03:24:43> Farkel: Farkel: please don't use abusive language with me, Farkel. It hurts my feelings and shows that you are not a true(tm) Christian.
    03:24:59> Farkel: Farkel:**** off, you moron.
    03:25:31> Farkel: Farkel: Farkel, you must not be a Christian.
    03:25:37> Farkel: Farkel: DOH!
    03:25:57> Farkel: Farkel: Do you always talk to yourself like this?
    03:26:27> Farkel: Farkel: Yep. But I NEVER have answered myself like this before.
    03:26:43> Farkel: Farkel: you must be insane then, Farkel.
    03:27:10> Farkel: Farkel: Yep. I'm insane, so what's your point, Farkel.
    03:27:30> Farkel: Farkel: I need to feed the plastic goldfish.
    03:27:59> Farkel: Farkel: That's the first sensible thing you've said all night, you idiot.
    03:28:02> Farkel:
    03:28:15> Farkel: I just LOVE having fun!

    Well, if you haven't used your imagination lately, folks, then you need to start living and do it! Children are the REAL GURUS, and every bit of nonsense that I just revealed about myself is considered NORMAL for children, so if any of you think I am crazy, I'm honored and humbled by that most appropriate acknowledgement.

    Anyone want to make 'angels' in the snow? I'M GAME! How about "fart" noises from our armpits? I'M GAME!

    Renaissance Man Class

    Edited by - Englishman on 22 December 2002 6:30:42

  • notperfectyet

    Farkel, go to bed!

  • Scully

    Finding a crazy man at 4am is one of my funnest fantasies!! Too bad I'm stuck at work.....

    Love, Scully

  • Jeremy30

    I guess the nearest insane asylum is chock full of 'Renaissance Men'...

    I remember walking past a guy downtown who was apparently talking to himself and saying: "I will speak with President Clinton -- but I will not pet his dog!!"; insanity must be very liberating...

  • Mac


    So you finally get it!


  • notperfectyet

    OK, we had to dig him up in San Diego, LA, Simi Valley, whatever.......

    But it is not the real Farkel Man

    The real Fark posted that shit about someone winning a lawsuit or something man..that's the real Fark

    . http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=105368202/mode=newgoto/ut=3fbb4139459631c2

  • notperfectyet


    Shut the Farkel up....we are not talking to the real Fark!

    Simon! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Delete Mac now!

    ( of the now I believe smurfs are real class)

  • Mac


    I am so confused!!!!!!!

    mac, of the may delete himself class

  • xenawarrior


    Didn't you know it's tacky to post chat transcripts? Geez!!!


  • Solace

    LOL You so crazy!

    Its ok Fark, we all have our moments.


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