It's 2 AM...and Im soooo sad

by LovesDubs 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    (((LovesDubs))). My honey is "in", and this has been our toughest Christmas yet. For the most part, I tolerate his jibes and snipes like a trooper. If he whines too much, I just pull more Christmas stuff out. Or sing Christmas carols until he shuts up. Yes, I have had some moments of intense sadness, because this season has such rich and significant memories for me. I can see my honey light up when ignorant worldly people "forget" his status and include him in a little Christmas fun, like a simple Christmas card from his brother. The last few days, he has been grousing that he wishes he could put the days on "fast forward" and get it all over with.

    This morning I went ballistic when he asked if it would be OK if he spent Christmas evening with his study leader, after dinner with my family. I was enraged that he would show preference over the society than me and my family that has welcomed and included him from the very beginning. I told him if he went to his study leader's house, he might as well take a sleeping bag too, since he obviously thought they could take better care of him. Sheesh. He only wants to go so it doesn't look like he might have actually enjoyed himself that day. My honey quickly realized he had crossed the line of poor behavour, and went in to intensive apology mode. He has promised to say nothing more through the holiday season. We shall see. Men can be so dense. If nothing else, the intense dabates I have with my honey on this subject has made me more resolved as to what Christmas really means to me. It is all about family and memories and love and giving.

    LovesDubs, is there anything you can do to open up the lines of communication with your man? We all need heart-to-heart contact.

  • mouthy

    Lovedubs. (((hug))0 but I am going to pour water on your pity party ( as you called it) Just think how fortunate you are -You have your children.... 3 of mine died, 1 is a Jehovahs Witness so dont talk to me. I have one left -she is spending her Christmas with her mother-in-law. ( with my blessing of course) But look at your kids & be joyous!!!! Sorry to pour cold water,,,,,But I just had to....

    Have a happy time with them, singing songs, munching, all the things you cant do with the dead.....

  • termite 35
    termite 35


    So sorry to hear all this-but youve got some great advice (and a great attitude)

    Christmas was hell for us all when I was 'in'.I tried not to spoil it for my husband, and let him have Christmas with the children if they wanted to do it- but it got so bad he'd sometimes take them to his sisters and leave me on my own.That hurt- I was fighting it as I was trying to be a good jw- and yet was so lonely and did'nt feel 'blessed' for taking a stand- just unhapy and devestated to be seperated from them all.

    Even though I did'nt want to celebrate it I felt very alone and it was such a sad time- I honestly wanted them to enjoy themselves- but could'nt go along with it all for fear of displeasing jehovah etc-- I hope your hubbys not sad on his own.Sometimes being on your own can feel like the best solution for everyone...

    Now i'm 'out' we're having some wonderful Christmasses- it was a hard time to cope with though - which ever side of the fence you were on.

    I'm glad for your childrens sakes you're trying- they'll really appreciate it later- hang in there

    I hope you can both talk soon; can you set aside a day to go out and talk?

    sometimes life gets in the way - my hubby would never want to- we got pretty close to divorcing; now it's obligatory, he has to listen and reply- or else!

    good luck and lots of love xxx

  • jurs


    I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles. I have no marital advice, its not my best department. I did like mouthys post. I know its hard but your doing whats best for your kids. Your being a great mom for sticking to your decision to celebrate. Your kids will be grown and gone before you know it. You won't have any regrets for celebrating when you look back years from now. On the other hand , years from now your husband may feel guilt and sadness for what he gave up.

    Take care


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