Carl Sagan

by donkey 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar
    You know he never actually said that....

    Said what? "Billions"? You are mistaken, friend. I watched the entire Cosmos series. Oh, yeah, he said it. I am thinking of buying the dvd:


  • donkey

    Actually Carl Sagan NEVER said, "BILLIONS & BILLIONS" on Cosmos. That is something Johnny Carson said when impersonating him.

    Carl references this in his last book entitled "Billions and Billions". The final chapter of the book is written all about his discovery of his disease and his final months of life.

    Damn I miss him...I have read every one of his books and I wish he was here to write some more!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Donkey,

    Thanks for this thread. Carl Sagan and the rational approach that he espoused are very important to me also.

    I had an opportunity to meet Ann Druyan when she was with Carl in Seattle for his final visits to the hospital, and I am glad that I was able to express to Ann how much the work she did with Carl meant to me. This was at their "home" on Mercer Island while Carl was in the hospital. I didn't get to meet Carl, but I am sure Ann passed my sentiments along to him.

    The COSMOS DVDs are excellent, by the way, with some updating in some sections to reflect discoveries made since the series was filmed.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 21 December 2002 0:6:18

  • Prisca

    I agree with Robdar - Carl Sagan did indeed say "BILLIONS" in that deep dark voice of his. I was only a child at the time, but that show did have an impact on me. It explained so well what an extrordinary universe we live in.

    And yeah, he wasn't bad looking either

  • Robdar


    I don't know where you get your information. I called all my nerd friends. Sure, Johnny Carson impersonated Carl, I remember that also, but he impersonated Carl saying "billions" because Carl said "billions". We all heard it. We all loved it. . I do not recall the phrase "billions and billions" but I recall him talking about the billions of stars in the universe. I guess the only thing to do is buy the dvd and prove it to yourself.


    Edited by - robdar on 21 December 2002 0:40:58

  • julien

    Donkey is saying Sagan said "BILLIONS", he just didn't say "BILLIONS AND BILLIONS." I seem to remember him saying BILLIONS AND BILLIONS too but old memories like that can be unreliable.

  • nicolaou

    Just a 'cut & paste' of my comments in an earlier thread:

    Carl Sagan
    The Demon-Haunted World : Science As a Candle in the Dark

    "I worry that, especially as the Millennium edges near, pseudoscience and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us - then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls. The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. The demons begin to stir."

    This book should be on everyone's shelf. It should be required reading before kids finish school and for adults before they decide to raise their children in any given religion, JW or otherwise.

    Sagan does a masterful job explaining what science is and what it isn't. He clearly shows that the wonders of science are just as interesting (and far more reliable) than the wonders of other disciplines which rely on tradition, superstition, myth, or ignorance.

    The chapters range in content from debunking UFO and alien abduction stories to calling for a higher realm of ethics for those who are scientists. In between are a couple dozen chapters that touch on a variety of issues that everyone should appreciate. The book is devoted to ridding the world of non-existant demons and allowing us all to experience more light and knowledge.

    Especially useful is Sagan's baloney detection tool kit. Given the current widely held beliefs (regarding UFOs, the face on Mars, an afterlife, religion, etc.) that are on the rise, this tool kit should be implemented by anyone who wants to help others see the light of reason rather than the darkness and ignorance that seems to loom in the minds of so many. Go find this book, and read it so you too can enjoy a life "obsessed with reality".

    Sagan's book ends with this reminder:

    "If we can't think for ourselves, if we're unwilling to question authority, then we're just putty in the hands of those in power. But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us. In every country, we should be teaching our children the scientific method and the reasons for a Bill of Rights. With it comes a certain decency, humility and community spirit. In the demon-haunted world that we inhabit by virtue of being human, this may be all that stands between us and the enveloping darkness"

  • aluminutty

    Thank you for creating this post. Thanks for giving forum members the opportunity to discuss and memorialize Mr. Sagan.
    Carl Sagan was a truly amazing person . . . an inspiration to many millions of people. He had the rare gift of being able to concisely, accurately explain difficult concepts in a manor accessible to anyone with a pulse; he was able to accomplish this feat of master teaching without alienating the intellects in his audience, either.
    At a whopping 9 years of age, if I remember correctly how old I was when the series aired, I was addicted to, and spellbound by the Cosmos series. I remember one incident in particular, while camping, when I gladly stayed in doors and was riveted to my family's cheep portable TV, straining to hear the amazing program through its Snowy reception of a distant public broadcaster, so as to not miss a word of Dr. Sagans description of the solar system, the origins of life, the wondrous notion that intelligence is not just a meaningless one-time fluke occurrence in a completely chaotic universe. Probability, he conjectured, virtually insures the possibility that our interesting earthly experiment in to sentience may have far flung analogs, the meat and potatoes in the chunky galactic soup, if you will.
    Yes, Carl Sagan was a skeptic, but he didn't stigmatize those who were not. He loved science fact and fiction, any dolt could tell you that, and I too must agree with the other posters who have complemented Carl Sagan on his overwhelming honesty in the pursuit of good science. He made science seem a way by which humanity can save itself. It is my firm belief that those who foster hope should be remembered long after their presence among us is no longer physical. Therefore, All hale the heroes, the light bringers, and the torches that guide mankind through the darkness of ignorance! May equally brilliant visionaries bless our years to come.

    Edited by - aluminutty on 21 December 2002 1:50:1

  • funkyderek

    Carl Sagan said "billions" with exaggerated emphasis to distinguish it from "millions" as the term "billions" wasn't as widely used when he began appearing on TV. Because of this apparent idiosyncrasy, Johnny Carson's impersonation had him saying "Billions and Billions" and the phrase became associated with him but it was never one he used, until the title of his final book.

  • freeman

    Much to my regret I narrowly missed meeting the man before his death.

    He was a big fan of the Hubble and space physics and as fate would have it, he visited my lab at NASA on the one day I just happen to not be there.

    Do I sound bitter, I am. L

    Just for fun, and as a further tribute to this great man, take a look at

    what he found so fascinating. The photo gallery is a must see.



    Edited to remove an embarrassing spelling error.

    by - freeman on 21 December 2002 8:38:12

    Edited by - freeman on 21 December 2002 8:41:13

    Edited by - freeman on 21 December 2002 11:57:8

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