What should i Do???

by Shytears 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I know depression!

    Go to a doctor and get checked out! .....NOW!

    Treatments like Prozac can be highly effective.
    In addition to that, seek help from Cognitive Therapy - it also is proven
    to be effective. You can read the book, "Feeling Good" by Dr. Beck

    You CAN feel better - I KNOW from my own experience - but you may need
    professional help.

    There is hope


  • bay64me

    Sounds like you have plenty of offers of support here and that is good.

    From my own personal experience, depression is something that needs to be at least discussed with your G.P. in the first instance.

    Maby medication could be an option, as has been already stated. But whatever you decide I think you should talk over the way you feel with a proffesional and consider then, what your next step is.

    One thing that I might add, is that there is absolutely no reason to keep on feeling the way that you describe. There is help available. Please, please seek out that help.

    I wish you well.


  • acsot

    Shytears: Check your e-mail.


    Dearest Laura Shytears,

    You wrote:

    In the past few months i have gotton into another depression,or maybe i have been in one for a long time and now its getting worst,whatever the case is,i cant seem to get out of it .. im like a hermit,seems the more i dont do anything the more i Dont want to do anything

    I am reading about you saying you are feeling depressed, and I am very sorry to hear that. Depression can be very debilitating. I have known friends who were feeling depressed, and I have also personally experienced depression.

    The very fact that you posted on this forum leads me to think that is your way of reaching out for some help. That is a wonderful first step, reaching out for help. I want to help you, Laura. And the other people on this forum have offered wonderful tidbits to aid you in your recovery, as well. You do have a wonderful resource right here on the forum. I want you to know that you may email me at anytime and talk with me. I will help you any way that I am able.

    You wrote:

    my brother says its my fault im like this,i just wanted to know if its true,can i help it,or not?he said i did this to myself???

    Laura, depression is not your fault. Your brother does not understand about depression. Your family needs to educate themselves about depression before they would be in a position to help. Blaming you may be just another way of saying they do not know how to help you. However, I feel that when someone in the family feels depressed, family members are in an ideal position to help, because they are with you more than anyone else.

    all my friends are not my friends anymore??is that my fault???people dont talk to me anymore..is that my fault???nobody invites me anywhere is that my fault??? not like i have my own car and go anywhere i want..i mean im not mean to anyone im still nice to eveyone,my mom says its because they all have there own problems,,Well i thought the loving brothers and sisters are suppose to help the ones with problems,seems like when u start to get down and depressed they leave u alone???and have nothing to do with u..and view u as bad association

    Depression is NOT your fault, Laura, I will repeat that as many times as it takes for you to grasp that concept. Your friends do not know how to help, and that is why they shy away, especially the jw ones. Once you learn about the causes of depression and its effects, then you will understand what is happening and develop and use effective coping strategies. The JWs are especially no help because it is their unwitting policy to further victimize the victim in these situations. Their cure is You should go in service more or You should read your bible more or some such worthless ungrounded advice.

    Depression is often caused by various stressors which causes brain chemistry to alter in a negative way, and this brings down a persons mood, whereby sadness, disinterest in life and loss of motivation occurs.

    I would advise you to go and seek the opinion of a qualified doctor. They will likely prescribe a drug that will normalize the brain chemistry so that you will have a more optimistic view of your situation. This will enable you to get a handle on your life again. Help may also be available in the form a support group, other family members, friends, or a professional therapist. I have also posted a link which talks about helping a person with depression, which you may wish to show your family. Please let me know how you are doing from time to time, because I sincerely do care about you.


    ((((((((((HUGS FOR LAURA))))))))))



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