Overseer's Visit & Hypocrisy

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Why is it that when the overseer visits the congregation, that just about everybody shows up to the meetings and they all go in the field service? A whole week of endless zeal just to prove that they are all so spiritual. And when the C.O. is gone, they all come back to normal. Twice a year this show goes on. I wonder who the witnesses fear the most, God or the overseer? It seems as if they have to please the overseer when he visits, and show him all the progress they made since his last visit. How hypocrite did you act when the Circuit overseer was in town? How low did you stoop to have his favour?

    Edited by - JH on 18 December 2002 17:11:12

  • Marcos

    To please the CO or DO.

    This looks sort of like church attendance on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday, no?


  • nita6368

    Well when I was new to the org. I couldn't understand all the fuss over the co's visit, to me the guy seemed like a celebrity the way everyone talked about him. After being in a few years I hated his visits because my husband always drug us out in service all week. We never did get to go out in service with him though....we had kids....he avoided us like the plague. I agree with you though...we would see people at the hall we never saw usually....memorials and co's visits.

  • nelly1

    its called coming out of the woodwork darling and beleive me it happens everywhere, i have seen it myself, what a bunch of ass lickers huh? blehhhhhhhh

  • blondie

    This phenomenon used to be more widespread and more consistent. More and more JWs work and do not take off time for the CO visit. It was a topic that was hammered at the last circuit assembly I attended. JWs are tooooo materialistic was the message. Yes, a few still do it, a few run up to them especially when a new one comes through, suck up and make sure they make a good impression. It is harder and harder to find JWs with Bible students who can arrange their schedule to have the CO come on a weekday afternoon. COs no longer go out in the evening and on Sunday after the meeting (at least the last 4 haven't). The only congregational time is Saturday morning. It used to be pushed to have 100%, even making local congregations be compete with each other. The CO will say, "Oh, the congregation I was at last had 75% Saturday morning; I know you can do better than that."

    Blondie (who has seen over 40 years of CO visits)

  • nita6368


    What I always enjoyed was the ones who had not been in the hall for months walking around and shaking hands with everyone...helping the old ones around...picking up the little kids....come to think of it , I guess the co never knew any different about them. They put on a good show. I hated when they took up money for the co's expenses...he had everything provided for him.

  • ThiChi

    I hear you. I was sitting on a judicial case where a PO in another congregation tried to get another elders wife to sleep with him. We had several meetings, and during that time, the visiting CO accepted an invitation from the PO to let him drive him down to a mens store and buy the CO a new meeting suit!!! All the while the case was going on! This was the beginning of the end for me.......

    Edited by - thichi on 18 December 2002 17:30:18

  • nita6368

    Unbelievable...but hey I guess a new suit is a new suit no matter who you get it from....LOL

    After all it supported his work in the ministry

  • jimbob

    For years I remember people making comments about how the CO visit drew everybody out of the woodwork, and then after it was over, everybody went about their normal routine....(which meant skipping service and meetings) This is the situation just about everywhere. I never understood why someone who didn't make a lot of meetings would always show up for the CO visit. I guess they figured he might share some information that was vitally important...of course, that never happened. It was always the same ol' crapola....."friends, we've notice your meeting attendance and service time have slipped since my last visit". Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah....

    Of course, I now skip all the meetings, not just a few......

  • bay64me

    I suppose that my old cong was just the same as everyone elses then.

    I noticed that everyone tried to widen their kingdom smiles and scrubbed up a bit more than usual. I hated that. It seemed to me to be the perfect setting for boasting. Introducing bible studies, working with the C.O. Exclusive pioneer and elder meetings, C.O. round for lunch, being assigned a talk on the very same night etc, etc. Me me me, look at me.

    Maby it was just the only occasions in the jw calendar that jws were permited to elevate themselves in some way that was hidden under the guise of ooh aren't I spiritual!

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