Not the study article, but.......

by ozziepost 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby


    You are the king of this board for avoiding debates and I for one am glad you are here.

    You make up some of of the very few who do this and I have always admired you for that. My hat is off to you and I mean that!

    Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, I am soooooooo, glad of the debaters too. I need both. This place has it all.

    Merry X-mas to you and the Mrs. oz,

    Take care,


  • ozziepost

    G'day Gumby,

    Thanks for your kind words. I always look out for your posts, too!

    Maybe I do avoid debates....well, mostly!....but I do have very strong opinions like others do too. However, I try to "practice what I preach", and I do believe that yielding has a place.

    I recognise too that my strongly held opinions in the past have changed over the years, so that it would be folly for me to hurt others by using words and opinions now that are offensive etc. As the saying goes, "everyone's entitled to his (her) opinion"!

    There's another aspect too. Who's the target of our wrath? Isn't it the Borg? Certainly not the victims.

    Anyway, my very best to you for Xmas and the New Year. Roll on 2003!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • yard dog
    yard dog

    I find your perspective very interesting. Since I was practically raised as a JW that is one of the doctorines I assumed to be true without giving it much thought. I don't think the whole issue is about God's authority as much as his descision to allow us to make our own bed and sleep in it. If the bible is true he gave Adam and Eve everything. They were given a Garden(fine home) to live in, the best grapes(fine wine),the best food, perfect weather(can you say Jamaica),told to fill the Earth(have sex all the time) and so on. God didn't ask them to slobber all over themselves praising him. He told them not to eat from one damn tree. ONE TREE! Eat from the tree and you will die. The choice was theirs. If God didn't follow through he would have been a liar. I don't think it's about authority but truth. A true God will do what he says he will do but a false God (Satan and his "You will not positively die" statement)will not.

  • Prisca
    Is this the God of the Bible? Is it the God whom Christ taught us to obey?

    It's the God of the Bible, in the sense that it is man's interpretation of how God is. I believe much of the Bible reflects man's interpretation of God, rather than allowing God to reveal himself through natural laws etc.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."History would demonstrate beyond doubt mankind's need for divine guidance and the superiority of God's rule over man's or Satan's"....

    hey Oz! I would nt know whether Theocracy is the way to go or not, Ive never seen it in operation "ruling over mankind". Anyone else that hasnt ever been a dub and under the Orgs rule hasnt seen Theocracy in operation at all!

    ..."The Watchtower, January 1, 2003 ".....

    hey Oz, you are "RUNNING AHEAD" !!

    Edited by - refiners fire on 20 December 2002 6:45:49

  • ozziepost

    G'day all.


    Welcome aboard. Hope you keep guard well!

    Allowing man and woman freewill is one thing but I think we need to address the sovereignty of God i.e. the Dubs' apparent fear of Satan as another god, and God's concern for public and heavenly opinion. That to me is not the God that appears in the pages of the Bible which I believe is much more than man's interpretation of God, but rather his revelation of himself. Thus, we are left with my initial point that the Dubs portray a God who is waiting for Satan. Of course, I'm aware that this must be a tenet of belief for cults like the dubs who are bound by their chronological interpretations.


    "Running ahead"? Nah, just keeping up with progressive light, mate!!!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Pistoff

    Hi all; thanks for the thought provoking post, oz.

    I am in a state of growth in what I believe; I am midway between thinking that the Bible is God's revelation to man, and man's interpretation of what God is and thinks. An example is the bruising argument I had with the wife tonight: I am aghast at the WT again talking about "guilt" and "wrongdoing" (on the part of the victim) when it comes to rape, and when I mentioned that this is mosaic law thinking, she retorted, well then is the mosaic law wrong?

    I can't answer that. I think the ancient requirement to scream is an indication that the men were not inclined to believe a rape victim; was it God's word, or men interpreting what they think was on God's mind?

    For me, the crime is that the society is once again flipped back to thinking that women must fight and scream to avoid rape, and that by so doing they will avoid later thinking that they could have avoided it. This is CRIMINAL, and WRONG; women who are raped are the victims, they MUST not be put on trial later to see if they "should" or "could" have avoided it. Unbelievable.

    So, anyway, I don't know if I believe all the bible is God's infallible word or not. Jesus spoke in parable and occasional hyperbole; is it possible that much of the bible is too?

  • Gizmo

    No wonder so many Dubs are in fear of the demons, for the WTS has taught them that Satan has equal power with God, at least for the past 6,000 years

    Look mate, i have a lot of issues with the "MOB" But the WTS never taught that Satan has equal powers with God...quite the contrary actually.
  • ozziepost
    the WTS never taught that Satan has equal powers with God...quite the contrary actually.

    Then how do you explain the above?

    You remember the fear and trepidation that dubs have for the demons?


  • jgnat

    True, the WTS may pay "lip service" to the concept that the devil is inferior, but many of their doctrines downgrade both the power of Jesus and Jehovah. For instance, my honey blames any sinful, bad, inappropriate behavior by someone as the influence of the devil in "this system of things". The WT materials are full of references that Babylon the Great, in fact, anything outside of the WTS as being under the influence of the devil. That means that beast is running 99% of the world's population!

    In my opinion, the society gives way too much air time and way too much credit to the devil.

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