Educate me on JW dating!

by Delicious_Daniel 43 Replies latest social relationships

  • SYN
    Man you peeps make it sound like id be dating an untouchable force...

    Technically, you'd be dating the Governing Body. Do a search for "Governing Body" on the Watchtower Observer and meet this GREAT bunch of guys!

    all the more challenge. Im still a virgin and not really interested in sex with anyone at the moment


    (99.9% of girls ive met just turn me right off, and 100% of guys INCASE your thinking im gay) shes really the only girl ive been attracted to, and its partly her religion, its kept her so 'innocent' from the rest of girls ive met who are dumb party sluts (no offense).

    Her innocence comes with a price. Several prices, in fact. Understand that no Jehovah's Witness is just a normal person - they have an entire religion and lifestyle behind them, as you must have noticed by now.

  • Sirona

    Daniel you sound so young...

  • NewLight2

    Daniel wrote:
    ".....she is still young and I doubt I could date her right now, but perhaps someday..."

    How old are you?

    How old is she?

    Have her parents forbad you from seeing this girl?

    I asked this question because I find it strange that you have written that although you must live within walking distance, you will not be able to see or talk to this girl for nine more months. If the answer to the above question is "no", then why not just try calling this girl on the phone or writing her a letter?

    Does this girl have an email address?

    Before you even begin to think about dating her, you need to ask her what religion she is. If she is JW, Foursquare, or some other religion. Jw's are a high control CULT whereas the Foursquare Church is not. Since religion will be an important factor to her, you will need to research that religion's belief system before you can even think of having a serious relationship with this girl.

    Stick around and read some of the other threads on JWD, you may find them very interesting.


  • ugg

    run fast!!!!!!!! run faster!!!!!!!!!! keep not look not EVER look back....

  • Delicious_Daniel

    Her parents have not said a thing to me about not talking to her or anything. But when she said "my fathr would kill me if he knew I was doing this" I kinda got the impression he doesnt want her talking to me...

    im 17 almost 18, im not saying her age cause ill get reemed out by everyone on here if I do. I also think im the first guy to ever tell her I like her, and I dont think her parents want her dating ANYONE right now, let alone me.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    She is in a tough situation. However, that is up to her to determine how to get out of the JWs. As for you, do not pursue a relationship with her. One of two things will happen. Either they will suck you into being a JW, and you will be miserable in ways you cannot comprehend, or the girl will get into difficulties with her family and congregation and her already harsh life will be made even more difficult. I am not saying that you need to be rude or cut off all communication, but I am urging you to avoid dating her or even pursuing a more intimate relationship than already exists.

  • Farkel

    : im 17 almost 18, im not saying her age cause ill get reemed out by everyone on here if I do.

    Mustn't be chasing 78-year-old ladies around at your age, no matter how much they flatter your raging hormones!


  • larc

    Farkel does make a point. You should also not chase around twelve year olds who are just getting their nips coming in. Weelll now Jerry Lee Lewis did it, but I don't think you should. You never did answer my question. Why can't you talk to her for months if you live within walking distance of her house. That makes no sense at all.

  • Delicious_Daniel

    Well first off if I showed up at her doorstep, her parents would kinda be like "UMMM GO AWAY" or sumpin like that. Secondly, I get to nervous around her so to goto her door and try ad talk to her would be the scarriest thing of my life LOL

  • NewLight2


    Like I said, FIRST you need to find out for sure if she is JW or not. Why don't you just call her on the phone and be friendly and just ask that question. Then base your further decisions on her answer. If she is JW - You have lots of research ahead of you. DO NOT pursue a relationship with her until you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. If she is THAT young, you have lots of time to wait for her to grow up anyway.


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