I Need to Get out!!!

by Shytears 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shytears

    Hello everyone,i know this might be the stupidest post i wrote but here it goes......

    i have a friend( my only friend) that lives in louisana not too far away from me,she used to live here before than she moved to texas,now shes back here,and we have been best friends for awhile now,well she is worldy and i know my parents would never let me go spend the weekend with her,which is very unfair cause im like a hermit and im deprived of the outside world...lol im sorry i dont like to complain too people too much.well i dunno how im going to go see her,if i had a car it would be alot easier,where would i say i was going for a weekend?how would i be able to trick them?,lol,i know this is a retarded post,but if any wants to write back,plz,,,,help me,hehe

  • Vivamus

    Hmmm, I don't know sweetie. I'd just say I went to spend the weekend with a friend, but it depends on how your parents are. Do your parents know about this friend?

  • Shytears

    yeah,they dont like her At ALL..but she is really cool..i mean not everyone is perfect...they tell me they are gonna help me with my problems and loneliness,but they cant help because i cant explain to them what im going thru,u know about the relgion and stuff like that,plus all my so called friends abandon me...i got rage AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.IM MAD TOOOO~

  • archangel01

    First how old are you.Second why not have the girls mom talk to your mom.Third put your foot down, if you know she is good and you will be safe then put your foot down.If they hit you for something like that, then there is a BIG problem.Ask to leave or tell them that the house your in is not healthy and you want to move out an you are going to stay by a cousins house or what ever.If they hit you bad tell them that's the last time that is going to happen and leave the house and stay by someones house and say your not going home until things start to change by giving you more freedom. Go watch the movie CARRIE it you can somehow view it.Late in the movie she finally puts her foot down to her OVER RIGHTEOUS mother. please take care and no I don't have all the answers but maybe this will help.But first see if you can talk to them nicely,reason with them an see how it goes.

  • ugg

    hi shy tears,,,,,,i guess my advice is don't rock the boat....easier said than done i know...but in time you will be out on your own...ride out the storm so to speak,,,,reguardless of how your life sucks now,,,,

    your mom and dad,,,,should anything happen to you,,,,would be devistated i'm sure...i bet they give you money to spend,,,food,,,and clothes....that is alot!!! i bet their life is not easy either...

    it sounds like i am preaching i know....but you are at an age where the mistakes you make now can follow you for life...again,,,just bide your time,,,you will be an adult soon...then...live YOUR life....

  • gsx1138

    I don't know how old you are but I have one word for you: College. You want to cure your loneliness: College. You want to get out of your parents house and still be able to live decent: College. I don't know how your grades are but College is a perfect way out. You may have to do all of the paperwork behind their back but you obviously have an internet connection so your parents aren't hardcore nutcases. Also remember that it is never too late to start but it is better to start young.

  • NewLight2


    Some good ideas have already been given, so I'll repeat 2 that I fully agree with.

    1. Talk to a school counselor or trusted teacher. But DON't mention the event at the football game with that guy. That is between you and the boy. (And DON'T ever tell your MOM about it either.) Explain to the counselor/teacher about the shunning you are experiencing from the JW's and all that it involves. If they ask why you are being shunned just answer that it could be for little things like not going to enough meetings, not enough time door knocking, or that you just want to have friends outside of the JW's. Work on building a trusting relationship with this councelor/teacher. If you don't agree with what this person tells you, just post on this board about it and get feedback from here. The more input you have from others the better.

    2. Ask your friend's Mom to call your Mom. Have your friend's Mom invite you to spend the weekend with them THROUGH your Mom. That way the invitation will be from one adult to another adult. Your Mom may find it harder to refuse your friend's Mom. If that fails, than ask your Mom to invite both your friend and her Mom over for an afternoon.
    Let the two Moms spend time together while you spend time with your friend. That time spent may be like building a bridge for further friendship meetings. Maybe the ice can be broken by starting out the first afternoon together, by all 4 of you playing table games together - dominos, Monoply, Sorry, etc. - for awhile. Then you and your friend could ask to go to your room and play together. Let the adults get to talk and become friends. Since it will be in her own home, your Mom will feel in control, so it should be more comfortable for her.

    3. DON'T sneak around to get to see this friend. That will only create more problems for you with your Mom. She needs to feel that she can trust you. Talk to your friend on the phone. Maybe arrange to meet her at the library/shopping. But tell your Mom you are meeting this friend. Again, Don't sneak around behind your Mom's back.

    4. If your Mom tells you to make friends at the KH, explain to your Mom that that is impossible, since all the JW's your age are shunning you. Tell her you need to find "real" friends outside the confinds of that religion, since all frindships within the JW's are "conditional".
    Tell her that you need to find some "unconditional" friends - friends that will like you for WHO YOU ARE, not friends that only accept you if you tow the JW line.

    5. If all of the above fails, just be patient until you turn 18, then just move out and be on your own. That time will soon be here.


  • imanaliento

    how old are you?

    I always let my boys associate somewhat as I felt it could be a good witness for them. try telling them that.

  • NewLight2

    imanaliento Asked:
    "how old are you?"

    She is 16 years old.

    Here is her fist post on JWD:


    All the threads that she has posted in are at:


    Hope this helps.


  • outoftheorg

    Hey folks.

    Be very careful of the advice you give to a minor child. This forum and all others are like putting your advice in writing and making it available to everyone.

    If your advice leads a minor to experience something wrong or dangerous, it could come back to haunt you. This would be true even if it was offered with the best of intentions.

    Unfortunatly we live in a very litiguous society now. So use caution and reread your posts before you click on reply.

    Just a word or warning.


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