Visited by JWs today

by Soledad 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    I agree with Southland, it's your Mum's house, not yours.

    Anyway, hope your Mum recovers quickly.

  • nativenyr23

    Good for you Soledad!!!! wish i coulda been a fly on the wall. Yes, it is your mom's house....but to ask you to "isolate" yourself shows more loyalty to the "hermanitos" than to her own child. OMG? DID I JUST SAY THAT? IS THAT NOT THE JW WAY? ugh. Anyway, you behaved admirably...kill'em w/kindness. It's not like you were going to hold a seance in their presence or anything !!! hahahaha!!! Hope the xmas cookies don't give them demonized nightmares or anything!

  • Iwasyoungonce

    I would never hang my hat where I am second class.

  • Soledad

    normally I would respect my mother's wishes, however, since she did have an accident she requires my assistance just about 24/7, so it wouldn't have made sense to not be by her side (I doubt that the prissy couple that were here today would have done anything for her)
    oh and I didnt say what I wrote--I only thought it

  • Grunt

    Hi Soledad,
    Good job. If you are living there and taking care of your mom then it is YOUR house too. Trying to confine you in your own home is wrong and giving in to the phoney bastards. The only power they have is what we give them. You like Paul, refuse to have a part in the hypocrisy of an unchristian act of shunning. Like I said good job. Before too long this bunch will be a distant memory, like the Shakers but without a legacy of good furniture. I am regret that this bunch in Brooklyn never faced any punishment for the crimes they committed, the families broken apart by their slander, the children molested over their false pride, the women abused because of bad advice, the men, women and children killed by their policies on blood and other medical matters. Like David, I hate to murderers go unpunished to their graves. At least most lived to see the sham they promoted exposed by time for the lie it was.
    I am sorry for you mom over her accident and especially for still believing the lie as truth. That too may change, I hope it does, as I hope it does for my parents.

    Best wishes,

  • Grunt

    Please excuse my typo! I am regret that I made it! Ha. I was talking to my wife while I posted it and didn't catch the error. Good luck to you and yours Soledad.


  • Mary

    Soledad, good for you!! You're absolutely right in trying to "kill them with kindness" ........JWs expect everyone who's DA'd or DF'd to suddenly become the spaw of Satan which is why they seem to have such terrified looks on their faces whenever you see them..........

    onthego, that was a fantastic summary you did of the Christmas season!I think a summary like this might make alot of Witnesses stop and take notice........good work!

  • Skeptic
    If you were in your mom's house, why wouldn't you respect her wishes?

    Southland, though normally I would agree with you normally, I must disagree in this instance.

    If I had a black friend staying at my home and some KKK members were visiting....and I told him to stay in another room while my friends visited because they don't like Darkies, I think my friend would be right for refusing.

    Prejudice is prejudice, and it should be stomped out. The best thing is to be kind to bigots.

    My non-JW family is sick of the JW's prejudice about ex-JWs ruining family events. They now see the wisdom in having the JW's suffer the consequences of their DFing policies. If the Dubs don't like being around an ex-Witness, the Dubs can stay home.

    Being oneself around Witnesses is the best way to end the cruel DFing policies. Working with a DFed man is what brought me around to accepting DFed people when I was a loyal Witness. Kindness works in ways we often do not see. Soledad did the right thing.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Once again the bias on this board is raising its ugly head. If I am in my parents house, I would respect their wishes. I may not like it, I may feel it is unfair, but I am a guest and their child.

    If your mother wishes to meet with her guests privately, why would you insist on barging in?

  • Soledad

    If your mother wishes to meet with her guests privately, why would you insist on barging in?

    I didnt barge in, they did. As I mentioned before, my mother is in such a state that she cant move around much, so she would need me close to her practically at all times. plus, it wasnt a private meeting ( the only private room in my house would be the bathroom.) plus plus Im the child, not the guest. religiousness or not, I'm the one who is taking care of her practically full time, not them

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