Comments You Wont Hear at the 12-15-02 WT Study

by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Title Edited thanks to minimus (it's the drugs folks)






    The first paragraph uses quotes a newspaper reporter that visited different churches in his area. What was outstanding about JWs in his opinion as he visited a convention? Was it Christlike love?

    "Never once did I see anyone light a cigarette, open a can of beer, or use profanity. There were the cleanest, most well behaved, modestly dressed, good-natured crowd of people I have ever met."

    The closest adjective to the identifying mark of Christlike love is "good natured." Does that sound like the self sacrificing love Jesus talked about?

    "Usually, Gods people are praised because of their good conduct."

    "Good conduct recommends the truth that they preach."

    But like the Pharisees ritually washed their hands, there is more to good conduct than outsiders are allowed to observe about JWs. With the child abuse issue, the WTS has become like the cup that is clean outside on the outside but dirty inside.


    Photo page 9

    Family study. Asian family, Mother, father, teenage son, 4 year old daughter, all in oxford shirts, females in chino skirts and men in chino slacks all with WTs in hand and only with material in magazine being highlighted. (I never understand why the guys dont have to wear ties but the gals have to wear skirts)

    The New Inquisitors: Freedom of Religion and Religious Envy by Gerhard Besier and Erwin K Scheuch states: "For [Jehovahs Witnesses] the family is something to be protected." That statement is true.

    I wonder where the WTS protecting child abusers within the congregation figures into protecting the family?


    Pictures on page 10

    Upper left hand

    , congregation meeting, shows older ones and children but few intact family groups that is odd. These pictures are carefully staged. It shows a young boy and a young girl with their hands up.

    Inset picture

    , shows Asian brother shaking hands with white brother

    Lower right hand

    , young Hispanic sister outside Kingdom Hall with high metal fence around it but windows.

    Lower right hand inset

    , young black girl putting a dollar in the contribution box.

    Our relationship with the congregation is vital for our spiritual health. When we associate with fellow Christians, we enjoy their strengthening fellowship as well as nourishing spiritual food from "the faithful and discreet slave."

    If you are currently attending a KH, how many people talk to you before and after? Do they talk to you beyond the cursory hi and goodbye? What do they talk about? Other peoples problems, what they just bought that week, their aches and pains, etc.?

    As to the "nourishing spiritual food," did Brother Never Prepares wing it again tonight? Did Brother Never Sticks to the Material go overtime again? Did Brother Never Rehearses have lackluster demonstrations? What high points do you remember: you are not attending enough meetings, you are not going out in field service enough, you are not commenting enough at meetings, you are not preparing for the meetings, you dont pray enough.

    If we have problems, we can go to the brothers for sound advice based on Scriptural principles.

    What you really hear is, "the slave," "the society," "the brothers," say we must do it. When you ask for a scripture they will use Matthew 24:45-47 and say if the slave says it, it is as if Jesus said it. "Everything from the platform is Jehovahs thinking."

    When we are in need, our brothers do not desert us. What a blessing it is to be part of Gods organization.

    But they desert us. They wait for someone else to reach out. They find excuses like they are weak, not good association, etc.

    However, we are not in the congregation merely to receive; we are also there to give.


    Hebrews 10:23-25 (yes we give to people by being at the KH)


    When we offer comments during the meetings or share in other ways in the program

    We also encourage them by our conversation before and after the meeting. That is a time when we can strengthen the weak, console the depressed, and comfort sick.

    Do you see anything wrong with this statement?

    Yes the only time and place that people can be conversed with or encouraged is in that brief time before and after the meeting. Many come just on time and leave right after, and the elders are the worst. They spend most of their time in administrative duties; they never have time to talk to the sheep. They even schedule shepherding visits at the KH rather than making an appointment and visiting them in their homes.

    Sincere Christians are generous with that kind of giving, which is why so many who attend our meetings for the first time are impressed by the love they sense among us.

    Yes, new ones are bombed with love, but as soon as they are baptized, it ends.

    "Our love is not limited to our own congregation. It embraces the whole association of our brothers worldwide."

    "When we contribute to the Kingdom Hall Fund, we show our love for such individuals even though we may not know them personally."

    "Why do Jehovahs Witnesses love one another?"

    Because Jesus commanded them to. But how is that shown?

    "As Jehovahs Witnesses study the Bible, attend Christian meetings and pray constantly to God, love becomes natural to them."


    "Such preaching is a further act of giving." "Do we have other responsibilities toward those who are not fellow believers? Definitely." "We have obligations in the secular world." "Live in the world, earn a living in it, and receives services from it."

    But the "real focus of their lives is the hope of everlasting life."


    "In a divided household, the believing husband or wife makes a special effort to follow Christian principles," even if he beats his wife or molests the children.

    The manager of a facility in Zimbabwe said, "I see some Witnesses picking up paper and cleaning toilets" "Your teenagers are principled. I wish the whole world was full of Jehovahs Witnesses."

    Yes, some people at the hall are good at picking up paper and cleaning toilets, but dont have a moment to share with a "weak" one in the congregation.


    Yes, now the JWs say the secular governments are the "superior authorities" in Romans 13, but Rutherford said Jehovah and Jesus were. I think he was angry with the government for passing the Prohibition law and felt it was unchristian to obey it. 1879 to 1929, superior authorities, secular governments. 1929 to 1962, Jehovah and Jesus are superior authorities. 1962 to 2002, secular governments are again superior authorities. (50 years, 33 years, 40 years, might be time for another change?)

    "Unfortunately, some "unreasonable men" in authority persecute us or oppose us in other ways, such as by promoting smear campaigns against us."

    Is it a "smear campaign" if you are telling the truth no matter how unflattering?


    "Moreover, we have free will and we can make choices. Still we do not abuse our freedom. When making choices about associations, clothing, grooming, entertainment, even food and drink, we remember that true Christians are slaves of God, not pleasing themselves." That means not pleasing other humans as well, including the elders.

    Concluding Comments

    Yes, we see donate money to JWs you dont know half way across the world, but not a dime for anyone in your congregation. The money goes through the WTS so we have no idea how much if any gets to the people in need. Yes, true giving is preaching but ignoring the material needs of the people we talk to.

    James 2

    15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

    Yes, have fine conduct on the outside, but hide the filth that is inside. With the unfolding of the child abuse issue, people inside the WTS and outside are finding out that the WTS conduct is not so clean. In my opinion, even worse than those who molest are those who hide the deeds of the molester and punish the one molested. The WTS can talk and talk about the fine deeds but in the end it is what some actually DOES that matters.

    Edited by - Blondie on 15 December 2002 8:57:6

  • CBeMe

    Thank you for the excellent commentary. I enjoy your Watchtower studies.


  • jgnat

    Blondie comes through again! What a trooper! I look forward to your instalment every week, Blondie. Here are a few of my margin notes from this week's study.

    The Christian Family

    p. 3-4. Worldly families are dismissed with a broad sweep of depressing words;

    "disobedient...without self-control...spousal violence...abuse...neglect...drug abuse... away." The article suggests that JW's can protect their families from this by "heeding Jehovah's (read FDS) counsel." I am struck by the lack of specific direction and advice to parents on how they can help their families. Also, note the use of third-person. "Christian couples recognize that they have emotional, spiritual, and physical obligations..." I believe this heavy use of third-person language helps faithful Witnesses to reconcile the discrepancy between the ideal and the real.

    I was taught to be a Christian with first-person language. Every illustration and example was brought home by having me think about how it applied to my own life. There was no wiggle room. I had to seriously ponder the consequences of the statement. A discerning Witness using first-person language may have to admit that their family has some distressingly worldly characteristics, and that the WTS has not been the all-encompassing protection it claims to be. That might lead to the next logical step that their family may require more attention than the hours stolen between meetings and studies and door-to-door work. Also, by making the statement third-person, a faithful Witness can confidently repeat that

    "All family members meet their God-given obligations...blessing to one another and to the congregation." even if this ideal does not exist in their own home. Or at the local Kingdom Hall.

    The Christian Brotherhood

    p. 7 Blondie, I notice you picked up on this, too. All the fruits of the spirit that involve grace and mercy (rather than study, meeting attendance, and door-to-door work) is compressed in the short time before and after meetings. How precious.

    (Text in red is from the WT article)

  • Scully


    Thank you again for another succinct and well-reasoned commentary on the weekly Watchtower indoctrination session study.

    I know if I was sitting in the audience listening to this kind of self-congratulatory bull$h!t, I'd feel my blood start to boil after the first paragraph. It was precisely this NO "love among yourselves" issue that drove me away from the JWs, and it will be what keeps me from ever going back. The doctrinal issues were all secondary to my decision. It was first and foremost the way my family and I were abused by the congregation when we needed their support and encouragement during a difficult period of time. Instead of following the "examples" in the publications, the congregation used the opportunity to tear us down even further. I remember reading an article like this one just before making my final decision to never go to a meeting again. I ended up tearing every copy of that magazine in my house to shreds because it made me so angry at the blatant hypocrisy we'd witnessed.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    hi jgnat, great minds right. Yes, this week I felt was every cliche the WTS uses condensed in one article.

    Sorry to hear of your treatment, Scully. Sometimes we are just ignored but sometimes a person in the congregation sets up to make our life miserable. All the WTS has taught me is what not to do.


  • rebel

    Blondie & Jgnat,

    I shall print your commentaries and take them to the meeting tomorrow - if I can persuade myself to go - family pressure you see!! They will make the WT study less boring and will give me something meaningful to read.

    Thank you


  • blondie

    Happy reading, rebel. During the public talk, I work on my personal Bible reading assignment. It looks like I am taking notes and looking up the scriptures but I'm on my own mission.

    It has been slow going, going back to other Bible translations and studying the Bible in chapters rather than verse-hopping. If anyone knows of a nondenominational, nondoctrinal outline of Bible study available online, let me know. Otherwise, I'm inventing my own. I have started with the book of Proverbs (my favorite). I am including Bible geography and history.

    Blondie (until my day of freedom)

  • rebel


    Me too - I would love a Bible like that - one that hasn't been coloured by the translators own beliefs and ideas. That would be excellent.

  • JeffT

    Here is a good site for Bible research. It has a number of different translations available so you can cross compare between them. It has keyword searchs and all kinds of links to for other research sites. Enjoy!

  • musky


    During the public talk, I work on my personal Bible reading assignment. It looks like I am taking notes and looking up the scriptures but I'm on my own mission.

    How do you do that so well? I remember a number of years ago, an elder called to invite me to a special talk. Well, during the watchtower study I was flipping through the watchtower, not always on the exact study page. After a few days he asked how I felt. I said I still continued to have problems with the teachings, etc. He then chastised me for not following along page for page with study. WOW. I did not even know he was looking at me during that time. Talk about complete control!!

    Actually that is one memory that will be put in my " another reason the watchtower has problems" category.

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