The Watchtower Defeat No One Notices

by metatron 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jourles

    What is worse, faking your association with the international brotherhood or destroying your marriage, friendships, and ties to relatives? In my case, I feel like I'm not living a real lie. I do not go in service, do not attend all of the meetings, do not give talks, do not say prayer, or speak my opinions in front of others in the hall. I do not support the organization spiritually or monetarily in any way. I feel no different than an interested person visting the hall. Of course I am not very interested at all. I probably know more about the organization than any elder in my hall and could prove it to them if it came down to it.

    To me, it is worth saving what friends and relatives I have left to stay in rather than leaving outright. The biggest lie I have to live with is my wife not knowing exactly what I know.

  • waiting

    Well, I think each person needs to evaluate their own familial needs - it's personal.

    Back to the topic - which is really good - the WTBTS business did away with a lot of traditions since I came in 1971.

    Congregation picnics.

    Parties (even costumes) for kids & families.

    Outings for teenagers at theme parks, etc.

    Large get togethers for anything - even weddings were to be scaled down.

    Dancing of any sort.

    The comment about Food Service at the conventions was great - I enjoyed participating. We were busy, but we could joke around some. We met other people - and it DID relieve some of the boredom! Like Cherry was a tradition.

    The WTBTS seems to want to take all the emotions out of the JW Experience. Just meetings, service, service, meetings.

    My son was explaining the JW Way of Life to a friend - the friend said " sounds so......sterile."

    We thought for a moment - and agreed.


  • JeffT

    I was thinking about this on my way to the bank to make a deposit. At the church we currently attend the service starts with 20 minutes or so of music, usually provided by our own orchestra and choir. Sometimes there are smaller groups. We all sing along (well, some of us. I can't even clap in time). It is a happy joyous occaision. Our Pastor is a good speaker and is not stuck with having to read a manuscript. From everything I've been hearing KH meetings sound about as much fun as watching cement dry.

    And are you serious, they've done away with congregation picnics? Is dancing a real no-no? This is nuts.

  • garybuss

    Interviewer: What is the purpose of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Witness: We are God's channel of communication?

    Interviewer: What do you believe?

    Witness: Um, I'm not sure.

    Interviewer: What's the best part of being a Jehovah's Witness?

    Witness: Um, we used to have picnics.

    Interviewer: Is there anything else you would like to say?

    Witness: Um, well, we are God's channel of communication.

    Interviewer: Is there anything else?

    Witness: Um, well, yes.

    Interviewer: What?

    Witness: Um, can I get back to you on that?



  • one

    Some may noat care to see let say their young family members becoming brain washed and window whashers.

    Some may not YET be educated on the matter to be able to resist family/group pressure. It really may be an SLOW proccess Despite the fact (back to the topic) that the jw religion has no scriptural foundation. As the original poster said:" has been systematically defeated as a coherent scheme of doctrine".

    It is ok to join or stay as long as it does not hurt. Then again you may be getting hurt, irreparble injuries caused and not being aware. "If a great change (injury) is difficult to quantify, it can pass unnoticed". People get used to routines, and if part of the routine is struggling to make a living, what time, will power and energy is left?

    Many have left because of the "coherent scheme of doctrine" made no sense, they are those who dedicated some time an energy to think about it.

  • minimus

    "They drain away their own lifeblood and then wonder why they are anemic".....The lack of zeal and love comes from the Society's own policies. They'd rather have you put time in service than have you help a sick person. The would rather you not miss a meeting than have you do something positive for the community....They suck.

  • archangel01

    your right,serving God should be FUN the WT doesn't know what fun is.There idea is WORKWORKWORK......FU*WORKWORKWORK. I would think God would clear all these problems up right.

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