I fought the stairs and the stairs won...

by Trauma_Hound 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shutterbug

    Are the stairs ok ??

  • Kismet


    Sorry to hear that you broke your cocc(yx). I guess that means we won't be hearing you threaten to kick anyone's ass for a few weeks. That will be a refeshing break.

    I took the following from University of Michigan's Sport's medicine journal. Thought it might be useful for you. Note the recommendation for ice. Might be a better alternative (imo) to overuse of the Tylenol 3's (??) they gave you.


    An injured tailbone needs time to heal. A bruised tailbone may take several days to several weeks to completely heal. A fractured tailbone takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal. In either case, people sometimes have pain for a long time.

    While your tailbone injury is healing it is very important to use a doughnut cushion when you are sitting. A doughnut cushion may be purchased at a medical supply house or you may use a child's swimming inner tube.

    You should place an ice pack on your tailbone for 20 to 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days or until the pain goes away.

    It is important to avoid constipation while your tailbone is healing. Drink plenty of fluids and increase the amount of fiber in your diet.


    Hey TH,falling down stairs is no fun.Tailbones are a bitch to heal up,but they do..I wish you well...OUTLAW

  • Scully

    Hey Trauma_Hound:

    Sorry to hear about your a$$. (Couldn't resist... ) Anyway, I'd like to add to Kismet's excellent advice. It's not uncommon in my area of work to see ladies with fractured tailbones from delivering their babies. Use ice for the pain and inflammation. If you are able to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil or Motrin (same thing - ibuprofen) use that in addition to the Tylenol for pain control. Try not to rely too much on the narcotics, particularly codeine (which is a large component of Tylenol 3s) because it can result in constipation which will aggravate the problem. You might also consider taking a stool softener like Colace (docusate sodium) with breakfast and supper while you're using the Tylenol 3s, keeping your fibre and fluid intake up to prevent constipation secondary to the narcotic use. Seriously, if you don't, you'll regret it when you make that trip to the loo.

    My e-mail address if you need it is [email protected]

    Love, Scully RN

    Edited by - Scully on 9 December 2002 0:36:0

  • Kismet


    Thanks for clarifying that. I had meant to include the reasoning for my caution against the pain meds (can cause constipation).

    Always good to have a nurse around! Well most nurses anyway....


  • betweenworlds

    Dang Trauma!

    Cut that out! Ouch!!!!!

    Hope you feel better soon


  • ugg

    h god,,,that is awful!!!!!!! glad it was not your neck or back!!

    sending get well wishes your way,,,hope you are up and about soon...

  • ugg

    excuse the above,,,my computer has a mind of its own!!! i was also wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you get well wishes....(it did not show up on the first response )

  • CoolBreeze

    Charlie, we've had had an ugly encounter in the past, but I wanted to put that behind me and tell you that I feel for you. I busted my tailbone while I was in the Army and I fell out of the back of a truck, and I know it's no laughing matter. I'm glad you weren't more seriously injured and hope you feel better soon. BTW I wanted everyone who reads this to know that I have a great deal of respect for you because you aplogized for a bit of a slip up in chat a while back, and I asure you had I known that the reference I made had such an ugly history for you I would have never made it. Dspite any differences past or future, you have my respect and my best wishes for a speedy recovery.


  • Brummie

    Cut the crap, this guy is waiting for someone to offer to go kiss his ass better

    Brummie (staying well grounded in England)

    man this thread sends a right cringe through my talebone...oooowch, hope you heal quick.

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